Tractor Seat Plant: The History, Production, Care, Uses and More.

Introductions to Tractor Seat Plant (Ligularia dentata, R)

Common name: Tractor Seat plant

Botanical name: Ligularia dentata reniformis

Local name: Tsuwabuki 

Latin name:Farfugium japonicum

The Tractor Seat plant belongs to the subclass of Astridae, the family of Asteraceae, the genus of Ligularia, and the species of D, reniformis (Ligularia dentata reniformis).

 Members of the family of Asteraceae, are usually daisies or composite flowering plants and are mostly ornamental plants. 

 Some notable members of this family with the tractor seat plant are the lettuce (Lactuca), sunflower (Helianthus annuus), ageratums, and so on.

The tractor plant is an herbaceous perennial plant that does not have a woody stem, it is an ornamental plant that can be cultivated both indoors and outdoors.

The Farfugium japonicum is a traditional plant called tsuwabuki in present-day Japan. The plant is traced to the town of Tsuwano-cho in Shimane Prefecture where it has been popular and first recorded.

 And have since then spread to the rest parts of the world, today the crop is cultivated in America and many other countries.

The plant is called different names in different countries today such as Japanese Silver Leaf, green leopard plant, or leopard plant.

The deep glossy tractor seat plant exists in many cultivars and can reach a height of 1 meter when fully mature.

The leaves

The leaves of the tractor seat plant are simple and round, it is a shiny greenish leaves with a glossy appearance. 

The leaf resembles that of the tractor seat, where it derives the name, the tractor seat plant.

The leaves are arranged along the stem in an opposite or alternate direction resembling that of the potato leaves.

The leaves are grown on a stalk of about 20 to 40cm, making it the best choice for good ground cover in the garden.

The stem

The plant is a creeping plant that can spread to make excellent ground cover.

The stem is covered with an outer skin known as the periderm. Inside the skin of the creeping tractor plant is the cortex which serves as a storage organ for the plant. 

The cortex contains a vascular ring that receives starch from the plant’s leaves and stems.  

The stem can grow to a height of 1m tall. 

The Root

The root of Ligularia dentata is adventitious or fibrous, attached to growing rhizomes (modified stems) that are attached to the soil surface, which help to hold the plant firmly to the soil.

The root serves as the organ for absorbing soil nutrients and water from the soil.

The Flower.

The flower of the tractor seat plant is usually yellow and has compact inflorescences. 

 The plants start flowering around November to December (warmer months) and are pollinated by bees, butterflies, and so on.

The Fruit

After the ovary has developed into the ovule, the fertilized flower develops into a small long fruit covered with a shell.

The seed when dry can split through explosive mechanisms. 

 The tractor seat plant’s roots, stems, leaves, and shoots enable the plant to grow well and can grow throughout the year without withering even in the wintertime.  In Japan, the tractor plant is used to add color in the winter (Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery in Japan

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Varieties of Tractor Seat plants

Many cultivars of the Ligularia dentate exist, Some of the notable varieties of the leopard plant are the farfugium cultivars as submitted by gardening solutions:

  1. F. ‘Aureomaculatum’ (yellow spots on the leaves),
  2. F.’Argenteum’ (white markings on the leaves),
  3. F. ‘Kinkan’ (yellow-edged on the leaves),
  4. F. Crispatum’ (leaves resemble that of lettuce and exist in various shades of green),
  5. F ‘Shishi Botan’ (it has shaped crinkled leaves with good texture),
  6. F‘Kagami Jishi’ (green frilly leaves with a touch of yellow), and
  7. ‘Tsuwabuki’ which has green leaves.

Indoor Cultivation of the Tractor-Seat Plant

The Ligularia dentata can be cultivated indoors and outdoors.

Indoor cultivation

This refers to the system of growing crops inside the house. It involves growing crops in pots and other materials inside the house.

The following steps should be followed when cultivating the tractor seat plants indoors or in a pot:

Step 1: select viable tractor seed.

The first step in the cultivation of the Ligularia dentata indoors is to select a good seed.

The seeds selected should have a shiny appearance, Avoid dull and hollow seeds as this will reduce the germination rate.

If the seeds are to be sourced from the nursery avoid weak and dwarf seedling. 

Step 2: Choose the Right Container or Pot

A good in-door planting container, pots, or tray should be selected for optimal cultivation of flowers.

The container should be such that it can be fixed into the convenient section of the house and has enough space for seed germination.

Step 3: Fill the Container with Soil

The containers should be filled with well-drained loamy soil.

The soil should not be acidic, as tractor plants do not survive in acidic soil.

Slightly acidic to neutral soil is optimal for tractor seed performance.

Light and moist soil will aid easy germination of seedlings.  Gently fill the pots, trays, or containers with the soil and ensure that is well aerated.  

 Step 4: Plant the Tractor Seeds

After selecting a viable seed or seedling, open a hole of about 5 to 7cm, sow the seeds, and cover firmly with the top layer of the organic soil. 

 If it is direct planting, two or three seeds should be planted and after germination, it should be thin down to two.

Step 5: Water Seedling or Seed Regularly.

The tractor seedling should be watered regularly, and care should be taken not to disturb the soil.

Indoor planting is usually done by top watering. The crops should be watered until the soil is evenly moist.  The pot should not be soaked, as soaking will affect the germination rate. The pots should be such that excess water should be drained from the pots.

Step 6: Place the Container in a Warm Location

The pots or the containers with the seed or seedlings should be kept in bright light, and part shade for maximum growth.

 The pots should be kept away from the cold and the use of a heat mat will improve the germination rate.

The room temperatures should be about 70-75°F this will help the plant to germinate quickly and healthy.

In some situations, the pot, containers, and tray are covered with humidity with a dome or clear wrap.  This will make the seeds stay in a humid environment.

Step 7: Monitor the Seeds

Check the daily performances of the plants, the seedling or the seed should be checked regularly or on a daily to ensure that the soil is moist.  

The Outdoor Cultivation.

Outdoor cultivation involves the act of cultivating tractor plants in the garden or the open field.

The following steps are necessary when cultivating the tractor seed in the open field.

Site Selections

 When determining where to plant the tractor seat plant, appropriate environmental factors should be considered.

The Farfugium japonicum can be cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. The plant does not tolerate frost, but it is a shade or morning sun spot-loving plant.

The plant can be cultivated in slightly acidic soil, well-drained soil rich, consistently moist soil, and a wide variety of soil.

Land Preparation

Before planting the tractor plant, the land should be cleared and tilled. Where the soil is poor, it is preferable to improve the soil with organic manure before planting.

 In areas with poor soil, immobile fertilizers such as phosphorus and potassium can be applied to boost the soil nutrients before sowing.

Plant Date

The Ligularia dentate is usually planted around spring-fall, that is March, April, May, and early summer i.e. June

Methods of Propagation.

The Farfugium japonicum can be propagated by seed, stem cutting, or by rhizome (underground stem).

Since the plant is a creeping plant, many farmers are carefree about the seeds and prefer cultivating the plant with stem cutting or rhizome.

Before planting, make sure that the seeds stay in a humid and moist environment to prevent being scorched by the sun.

Maintenance / Care of the Tractor Seat Plant

The following maintenance practices and care should be carried out for the effective growth and development of the seed.


Weeding should done during the first 2- 6 months after planting before the plant develops effective coverage.

Weed management in the green leopard plant is very crucial, as weeds compete with the plant for space, water, and nutrients.

Weed control in tractor seat plants entails a combination of weed control program that integrates mechanical, and cultural methods and the use of herbicides. 

 In the indoor planting system, weeds can be controlled using hand pulling or picking while in the field pre-emergence herbicide can be effectively used in the control of weeds before planting, or selective herbicide can be used to control narrow leaves since the tractor plant is the broad-leave plant. 

Fertilizer Application

The leopard plant can tolerate a wide variety of soil including poor soil. But for optimal performance in poor soil, organic manure which is compost or farm yard can be applied through the banded method.

 Inorganic fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium can be applied through foliar, banded methods, or broadcasting.

Since the plant does not produce economic fruit or tuber, it is important to apply N: P: K 20:10:10 or NKP 15:15:15. Nitrogenous fertilizer can also be applied.

Liquid fertilizer can also be applied through foliar application methods.

Irrigation/ Watering    

The plant requires a wet environment, therefore, the plant should be adequately watered. Whether it is Indoor or outdoor, the plant should be regularly watered in the cool evening or in the morning to ensure optimal performance.

Irrigation or watering can be done by watering can or through the installed irrigation facilities like sprinklers or dripping.


The tractor seat plant is a creeping plant, hence pruning should be done regularly to remove dead or damaged leaves for effective growth and to maintain the shading density.

Pruning should be done throughout the year to remove dead leaves at the base of each stem and that of the spent flowers to maintain the shape of the plant.

Disease and Pest Control

Ligularia dentate is resistant to most pathogens, but it is susceptible to leaf spot, bacterial wilt, and root rot disease.

The Leopard Plant can easily be damaged by aphides, wireworms, slugs, leave beetles, snails, and caterpillars which boreholes and damage the leaves of the plants.

These can be controlled by the application of insecticides to pests away from the plants.

Uses of Tractor Seat Plant

  1. Consumption: the leave and stem of the Ligularia dentate should be properly cooked to remove the better taste and outer peel, after thorough cooking, boiled leaves should be rinsed in cold water to remove the bitter taste and outer peel, and then added to salads and soups. Care should be taken to identify the edible Ligularia dentate, as some cultivars of the Ligularia dentate can be harmful to humans and animals when consumed.
  2. Erosion control: the Leopard Plant has a good ground cover ability, which helps to shade the soil effectively and prevent runoff. The plant can be sown in the bank or sloppy environment to help control soil erosion. The root of the plant helps bin the soil particles together and cover the soil to prevent erosion.
  3. To Attract Bees in the Apiary: the Leopard Plant can be used to attract honey bees into the apiary.
  4. Improve Soil Fertility: the Ligularia dentate plant has effective ground cover which helps to prevent the sun from reaching the soil surface therefore preventing the evaporation of certain nutrients element in the soil. The leaves of the plant decay and add nutrients to the soil thereby increasing soil fertility.

People Also Ask

What is the leopard plant used for?

The leopard plant often called the tractor seat plant (Ligularia dentate) is a perennial herb used for the following.

  1. It is added to salad and soup after boiling and peeled to remove the bitter taste and the out peels.
  2. it is used to control erosion 
  3. it helps to attract bees in the apiary.
  4. it is used as an antidote.
  5. it is used for the treatment of fish poisoning, and discharging of abscesses, and pox.
  6.  it helps to improve soil fertility. 

What are the different types of Farfugium?

Many varieties of this plant exist, Some of the notable strains of this plant as reported by gardening solutions include;

  1. F. ‘Aureomaculatum’ (yellow spots on the leaves),
  2. F.’Argenteum’ (white markings on the leaves),
  3. F. ‘Kinkan’ (yellow-edged on the leaves),
  4. F. Crispatum’ (leaves resemble that of lettuce and exist in various shades of green),
  5. F ‘Shishi Botan’ (it has shaped crinkled leaves with good texture),
  6. F‘Kagami Jishi’ (green frilly leaves with a touch of yellow), and
  7. ‘Tsuwabuki’ which has green leaves.

Where does the tractor seat plant come from?

The leopard plant is said to have originated from Japan, in the town of Tsuwano-cho in Shimane Prefecture where it has been popular and first recorded. The plant is called in the Japanese native language as tsuwabuki.

Is Farfugium japonicum edible?

Farfugium japonicum is edible but requires thorough boiling to remove the bitter taste, and the out peels before being added to salad and soup.

In conclusion 

The Farfugium japonicum is a good ground cover plant that is used to control erosion and treatment of some notable ailments. Research is ongoing to unveil more of the health benefits of the plant. 

In this article, we have discussed in detail the production, care, and uses of the leopard plant for a better understanding.

You can write us if you have important questions concerning this plant.

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