The Plough: Importance, Types, Advantages and More

Meaning of The Plough

The Plough known as the plow, is a primary tillage implement used for turning the soil and breaking up the soil clod.

It is one of the primary tillage implements used in land preparation immediately after clearing and slashing, making it the first implement to be in land preparation after the slasher.

The equipment is usually attached, added, mounted, and hitched to the tractor to accomplish a specific task on the farm. Therefore, wherever plough is used, the tractor is also present.

The implement cannot function effectively without the tractor, although an animal-mounted plough also exists. The implement consists of the furrow wheel, heavy metal beam/ frame, disc standard, disc, and a disc scraper which helps to remove soil from the disc.

It is one of the most important tractor-mounted implements used in the farming industry, and it remains paramount for the success of any agricultural enterprise.

In commercial farming, the importance of this tractor-hitched implement cannot be overestimated, especially when it comes to preparing large hectares of farmland for seed sowing. 

Even in developing countries where simple farm tools are commonly used for farming activities. The plough has gradually become an indispensable implement for farming in the region. 

The implements can help to increase crop yields, break up compacted soil, create well-aerated and porous surfaces, increase soil fertility by incorporating organic matter into the soil, reduce drudgery, and reduce labor costs on the farm.

It has a small point called the hitch where the three-point linkage is mounted to the tractor during operation. There are many different types of ploughs used in land preparation in the agricultural industries with unique features.

Importance of Ploughs in Agriculture

This tractor-mounted implement is one the most valuable implements used in the agricultural industries. Some of the notable importance of the implement are:

  1. Increased Crop Yields: Ploughing helps to improve the soil structure and aeration of the soil which helps to create healthy conditions for the optimal growth and productivity of crops. The turning of the soil loosened the soil structure which helps in the circulation of soil nutrients. More so, as the disc scoops and overturns the soil, grass, plant residue, and other plant materials buried in the soil increase the soil nutrients.
  2. Reduce Farm Drudgery:  The use of this tractor-mounted implement helps to reduce stress associated with the use of simple farm tools in agriculture. With these implements large areas can be cultivated within a short time.
  3. Reduce Soil Erosion: In areas where erosion is a problem ploughing across the the channel will help reduce the speed of runoff water. Ploughing helps to break up the hard pan and creates avenues for soil to absolve the run of water thereby preventing soil erosion.
  4. Improved Soil Health: The use of this tractor-mounted implement can help improve soil health. The ploughing helps to loosen soil structure thereby creating an avenue for effective soil nutrient circulation in the soil. More so, tillage creates opportunities for soil microorganisms to thrive,  break down, and incorporate plant residue into the soil, which helps to improve the organic matter content of the soil.  
  5. Reduced labor costs: The use of this tractor-mounted implement on the farm can help reduce the cost of labor. The number of man-days to be used in ploughing one hectare of land is higher compared to the use of pough. A high amount of man-days equals to high amount of capital which leads to an increase in costs of production.

Functions of Different Parts of the Plough

This tractor-hitched implement consists of various parts which play a specific function. Some of the parts and their functions are:

  1. The hitch or Mounted Point: This is a round point like a nut where the three-point links are connected. It provided the option for the implement  to be hooked to the tractor or the work animal 
  2. The Furrow Wheel: Has a cyclical wheel and is tightly held with a furrow wheel axle. The furrow wheel helps to guide or provide direction for the equipment during operation, maintain equilibrium, and help to support the implement at the posterior.   
  3. The Beam/ Frame:  This is a long heavy metal bean, which could be round or rectangular and slightly curved at the end toward the furrow wheel disc standard. The beam or the frame provides the avenue where the disc standard is attached and helps provide the extra weight for deep penetration of the disc.
  4. Disc Standard: This is a vertical beam that is attached to the frame. It helps to house the disc scraper and disc. The disc standard helps to secure the concave disc.
  5. Disc scraper: The disc scraper as the name suggests, is located very close to the disc. It helps to pull out soil and other foreign material attached to the disc.
  6. Disc: This is a concave disc attached to the disc standard. It helps to make vertical and horizontal cuts on the soil during operations.

Different Types of Ploughs in Agriculture

Various types of plough exist in the agricultural industries, but their importance and uses depend on the nature of the soil, consumers’ preferences, and types of crops.

Some are suitable for working on hard surfaces while others are appropriate for working on soft soil.  The three main types of the implements used in breaking up the soil clod in agriculture are;

  1. Disc,
  2. Moldboard, and
  3. Chisel ploughs: 

Disc Ploughs,

 This type of plough is made up of a rotating concave disc which is used for breaking up and turning the soil clod. The concave disc possessed by the implement helps to cut the soil and turns the furrow slice (i.e. the slice earth).

The implement consists of the following parts, concave disc, disc board, disc scraper, rotating hubs, spring, beam/frame, balancing disc/ furrow wheel, beam cap, and standard disc.

This equipment is a multifaceted and versatile tool that can be used for breaking hard soil, mixing fertilizer, and compost manure down the soil.

Part of the Disc Plough and Their Functions

The parts and functions of this tractor-mounted equipment are:

  1. Concave disc: the disc helps to make vertical and horizontal cuts during operations and also helps to invert the furrow slice.
  2. Disc scraper: helps to remove soil and other material that sticks to the disc.
  3. Rotating hubs: help the disc overcome hindrances like rocks, outcrops, stumps, and stones.
  4. Beam/frame: It provides the extra weight for deep penetration of the disc.
  5. Balancing disc/ furrow wheel: It helps to provide direction during operation, maintain balance, and support the implement at the rearward.
  6. Beam cap: this is also called the coupling point. It provided the opportunity to connect the implement  to the tractor or the work animal
  7. Standard disc: it helps to carry the disc and vital parts of the equipment.

Advantages of the Disc Plough

The advantages of this equipment are:  

  1. It is useful in moldy and sticky soil ( that is clay soil)
  2. It is suitable for soil that is rocky and stony.
  3. The implement can be used in hard or compact soil.
  4. It is appropriate in mixing and working fertilizer down the soil
  5. The implement does not expose soil to agent geological denudation such as soil erosion, wind, etc. since it does not completely turn over furrow slices, the grass slice with soil
    helps to protect the soil from erosion.
  6. It is very suitable for working on soil with fibrous root weeds.
  7. It is posses self-cleaning, and sharpening mechanisms.
  8. It can work effectively when the blade is buffed.

Disadvantages of the Disc Plough

The disadvantages of the equipment are:

  1. It is very expensive to purchase
  2. It leaves soil cloddy after ploughing ( that is, not smooth )
  3. It is not suitable for working on the farm with a lot of surface trash and overgrown weed
  4. It has a lot of weight which forces the disc into the soil by its weight instead of the suction

Mouldboard Plough

This equipment is made of a curved blade designed to cut and overturn the furrow slice during land preparation. It is more thorough in breaking, and loosening soil clod. 

The disc cuts the furrow slice, inverts it completely to bury weeds, crop residue, and other organic matter, and effectively pulverizes the soil.

The implement is commonly used to break new ground during land preparation due to its usefulness for working in an area or farm with a lot of surface debris and overgrown weeds.

The mouldboard is economical in cost since where the equipment is used, the farm does not necessarily need the use of a harrow because of its ability to lose the soil into fine tilth.

The parts of a Mouldboard Plough and their Functions

  1. Hitch: provide room for the attachment to the tractor, animal, and other machinery.
  2. Furrow wheel: helps stabilize the back end of the equipment, and provides effective direction for the mouldboard.
  3. Disc coultier: it helps to make a vertical cut in the soil during operation.
  4. The plough share: helps to make horizontal cuts and provides an effective cutting edge for the mouldboard.
  5. Moudboard:   it is used for overturning furrow slices or plant residue.

Advantages of the Mouldboard Plough

The advantages of the equipment are:

  1. It saves cost as the use of mouldboard completely eradicates or reduces the use of a harrow on the farm. 
  2. It is appropriate in burring weeds, crop residue, and other organic matter which helps to increase soil fertility.
  3. It leaves the soil smooth and well-pulverized.
  4. It is suitable for working in an area or farm with a lot of surface debris and overgrown weeds.
  5. It is forced mouldboard into the soil by its suction not the weight of the plough.


Disadvantages of the mouldboard Plough

The disadvantages of this equipment are:

  1. It is not useful in soil that is moldy and sticky.
  2. It is not suitable for soil that is rocky and stony as the equipment loses its share point when it comes in contact with hard objects such as stone.
  3. Frequent use may lead to soil compaction.
  4. It exposes soil erosion.

Difference between the Disc Plough and Mouldboard Plough

The distinctions between the disc and Mouldboard plough are discussed below.

S/No Disc  Mouldboard 
1 It has a rotating concave disc for scooping and turning furrow slice It has a curved blade specifically designed to cut and overturn furrow slice
2 It is useful in clay soil that is moldy and sticky soil It is not suitable in challenging soil since the  pough loses its share point when comes in contact with hard objects such as stone
3 It has a disc scraper for self-cleaning, and sharpening. The  disc scraper is absent  in the mouldboard
4 It is not suitable for working on the farm with a lot of surface trash and overgrown weed


It is suitable for working in an area or farm with a lot of surface debris and overgrown weeds.
5 It leaves soil cloddy and rough after ploughing 


It leaves the soil smooth and well-pulverized
6  The disc is forced into the soil by its weight.


The Mouldboard is forced into the soil by the suction of the plough,
7 It does not expose soil to agent geological denudation such as soil erosion, wind, etc It exposes soil to agent geological denudation such as soil erosion, wind, etc.


Chisel Ploughs

This is also called the ripper. It consists of several flat-coiled steel-toothed blades that are used for breaking hard tillage pans during land preparation.

It has several long shanks which help to turn the soil at a depth of 600-700mm. It is made of a hollow rectangular tubular mild steel frame that is effective in breaking hard pans, compacted soil, and losing the soil structure for better aeration and increased soil porosity.

The implement is not suitable for working in an area or farm with a lot of surface debris and overgrown weeds as it is a preferable area with consistent crop production.

Advantages of the Chisel ploughs

The advantages of the equipment are:

  1. It is very durable.
  2. It helps improve soil aeration and increase soil porosity.
  3. It leaves the soil smooth and well-pulverized.
  4. It turns the soil at a deep level.
  5. The implement is very suitable for breaking hard pans, and compacted soil.
  6. It helps to reduce soil erosion.

Disadvantages of the Chisel Ploughs

The disadvantages of the equipment are:

  1. It is not suitable for working loosed soil.
  2. Its frequent usage leads to soil leaching.

Maintenance Practice of the Plough

The following Maintenance Practices or precautionary measures should be observed for the effective usage of the equipment.

  1. Ensure that the implement is well-mounted or hitched to the tractor before use
  2. Check the bolts and nuts and ensure that they are well-tightened before using the equipment
  3. Always grease moveable parts before usage 
  4.  Oil mental parts regularly to prevent rusting
  5. Check and ensure that broken or worn parts are replaced
  6. thoroughly wash the implement after use  and that soil and foreign particles that stick to the mental blade are removed to avoid rusting and corrosion
  7. The equipment should be stored in the farm machine shed when not used.
  8. the equipment should be stored in a free from rain and dew. 

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