11  Principles of Agricultural Ecology That You Are Not Aware of 

11  Principles of Agricultural Ecology That You Are Not Aware of 


Agricultural ecology refers to the area of general ecology that studies the relationship between living and nonliving things in the environment and how they affect agricultural production. It deals with how ecological factors work to affect plants and animals in the ecosystem. Agricultural ecology works to unveil the relationship between agriculture and the natural environment. 

Similarly, agricultural ecology tells how crops, animals and the ecosystem affects one another to encourage conducive environments for the survival of human and animals in the environments.

For agricultural ecology to be effective in protecting the natural environment certain guiding principles are very necessary, therefore some of the principles of Agricultural Ecology are:


Read Also: Top 10 Strategies for Enhancing Agricultural Ecology That You Are Not Aware Of

Sustainable Resource Management

Sustainable Resource Management as one of the Principles of Agricultural Ecology emphasizes the use of farming system that will help to conserve natural resources.

This principle believes that the prudent use of natural resources such as land, water, and soil nutrients through a sustainable farming system will help sustain these natural resources.

Farming systems such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and zero tillage prevent adverse pressure on the soil thereby conserving the soil nutrients and preventing water runoff as well as the washing of toxic chemicals into the water body. Sustainable irrigation practices are necessary for depletion of the aquatic ecosystems. 


Preservation of Biodiversity.


One of the core Principles of Agricultural Ecology is the preservation of biodiversity. Different species of Plants and breeds of animals are gradually going into extinction, preserving these endangered species is necessary for maintaining ecological balance.

A well-established agricultural ecosystem is important in the promoting activities of living organisms in the environment.  Man activities like bush burning, poaching, and deforestation are depleting the natural environment.

Many animals such as elephants, lions, giraffes, and some other wild animals are going into extinction in some countries in Africa.

In other to preserve these animals and plants from going into extinction, forest reserve is created to ensure the survival of essential plants and animals


Sustainable Pest Management System

Agricultural ecology emphasizes sustainable pest management systems that are environmentally friendly and holistic.

The sustainable pest management system is a control measure that minimizes the use of toxic chemicals on the environment.

This Principles of Agricultural Ecology believes in the methods of pest control measures that combine the best aspects of biological and cultural control measures to reduce the effect of toxic chemicals on important agricultural pests.

The uses of adult ladybirds to feed on aphids, spider mites, and mealy bugs, as well as the use of cattle egrets to feed on cattle ticks, are biological methods of pest control, and the practice of crop rotation, shifting cultivation, hand picking and trap setting are some of the cultural methods of pest control measure that agricultural ecology seeks to integrate to ensure effective pest control.


Proper Nutrient Management system


Agricultural Ecology emphasizes a Proper Nutrient Management system. This importance of agricultural ecology helps to adopt proper soil management practices such as the uses of organic matter, zero tillage, and other nutrient management that can help to improve soil microbial activities and soil facilities. 

An adequate soil management system not only improves soil microbial activities and soil facilities but all improves the texture and structure of the soil.


Proper Water Management system

This is another principle of agricultural ecology, water is essential in agriculture, ranging from seed germination, dispersal, and survival of crops as well the survival of farm animals and farm stead maintenance, but proper water management in the farm is necessary. 

Sources of water such as rainwater and stream water harvesting, drip or sprinkler, and other irrigation systems are effective for agricultural productivity.

Sourcing water from streams and other water sources will lead to the destruction of Aquatic organisms, but proper utilization of water for agricultural purposes will maintain the aquatic ecosystem.


Adaptability of Plant and Animal to Local Conditions.

Agricultural ecology emphasizes the breeding of plants and animals that can adapt to local environmental conditions.

Plants and animals that can tolerate harsh environmental conditions will enhance agricultural sustainability.

Crops and Animals that cannot adapt to environmental conditions will create room for the importation of food, imbalance in the ecosystem, and extinction of economic plants and animals. 


Erosion Control Measure

This is another principle of agricultural ecology that emphasizes the maintenance of conservation. Agricultural ecology helps implement erosion control measures that will ensure the protection of the soil and the conservation of soil nutrients.

Erosion control measures such as contour cropping, strip cropping, and cover cropping help to prevent the destruction of the soil structure. 

The washing away of the top and its nutrients leads to the pollution of water bodies and the destruction of aquatic life.


Carbon Sequestration


Agriculture ecology emphasizes the methods that can help mitigate climate. Agricultural practices such as agroforestry, cover cropping, and tree crop farming help to source carbon from the atmosphere and store it for a long period in the soil which is often consumed by cyanobacteria.

This principle of agricultural ecology helps to sequestrate carbon thereby mitigating climate change.

Adequate Energy Consumption

This is another principle of Agricultural ecology that emphasizes efficient energy consumption and emission on the farm.

Agricultural ecology believes that the use of reparable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, and water energy will reduce the rate of carbon emission into the atmosphere.

More so the use of sustainable agricultural practices ensures efficient energy consumption.

Sustainable Cropping System


Agricultural ecology emphasizes the need to build a sustainable cropping system that can withstand harsh climatic conditions.

This principle believes that plant breeders should be able to breed diverse crops that adapt to climatic change.

This principle is aimed at preventing food insecurity by adopting correct farming methods with better crop characteristics that can withstand adverse climatic conditions.

Adoption of Modern Farming Technology

The adoption of modern farming technology is another principle of agricultural ecology.  This principle implies that the farmers should change their farming system in line with their prevailing environmental conditions.

The principle opined that as the ecosystem changes the farmers should also their methods of farming to another modern farming system that will suit the prevailing environmental condition understudy.  Adapting to new farming strategies will prevent the destruction of the ecosystem.


In conclusion

 agricultural ecology advocates the use of modern farming techniques to improve the ecosystem.

Some of these agricultural ecology principles that can help to balance the ecosystem are sustainable resource management, preservation of biodiversity, adequate energy consumption, sustainable cropping system, and adoption of modern farming technology.

These 11 Principles are the core principles of Agricultural Ecology that could help to improve the ecosystem.



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