Poultry Equipment, Meaning, Description And Uses.

Meaning of Poultry Equipment

Poultry management is one of the most important aspects of poultry production. Poor management of poultry birds will lead to the outbreak of pests and diseases, which may constitute serious challenges on the farm. From housing to health management certain tools and equipment are necessary for the optimal performance of birds, these equipment are called Poultry equipment.

Poultry equipment, therefore, refers to a group or sets of instruments or devices used for the production and management of poultry birds and their environment.

Operations in the Poultry farm require the use of equipment and tools.  These operations include brooding, hatching, vaccination, feeding, housing, and maintaining poultry birds, and each of these activities requires the use of special tools and equipment to keep birds in perfect health conditions.

Tools and Equipment are paramount in the poultry industry as they help in the feeding, supplying, protection, and maintenance of poultry birds and their environment.  Effective management of poultry birds is promised based on the utilization of adequate poultry equipment and tools.

The equipment used in poultry farms may vary according to the management system, size of the farm, and types of bird reared (i.e. the types of equipment used in small-scale poultry farms may differ significantly from that of a commercial farm)

 Some equipment used in the poultry farm include knives, cages, deBeaker, Nest boxes, Weighing balances, pliers, Perches / Roost, Rakes,  Incubators, Brooders, bird Cages, Egg Crates, Feeders, and Drinkers, hypodermic syringes, (Vaccination Equipment), sprayer, hammers, Machine, lantern, etc.

These equipment are classified into production equipment, processing equipment, feeding equipment, brooding equipment, management equipment, and vaccinating equipment.

Importance of Tools and Equipment.

The importance of poultry equipment are

  1. Provision of Feed: Feeding is very necessary for the growth and development of poultry birds, and poultry tools aid the provision of food for poultry birds. Equipment like feeding troughs, drinking troughs, and other equipment in the poultry house are vital for the provision of feed and water,
  2. Aid the Collection of Eggs: Poultry equipment is necessary for the collection of eggs. The egg tray is basically designed to collect eggs for storage and sale.
  3. Improve Hygiene and Sanitation: A clean environment will help to keep the poultry environment clean and free from pest and disease infestation. Equipment such as spades, rakes, buckets, shovels, sprayers, and other tools will help to keep the poultry house clean. A hygienic environment helps improve the health status of the poultry birds.
  4. Processing of Poultry Birds: Processing of poultry birds is possible with the aid of poultry tools and equipment. Tools such as the poultry shear, cutlass, buckets, pots, fry pans, etc. are very crucial for processing poultry birds.
  5. Help in Brooding of Chicks: The brooding of poultry birds cannot be possible without the use of poultry equipment. These tools are necessary for providing warmth to the birds until they develop proper feathers to cover themselves.
  6. Maintenance of the Poultry: Poultry birds require a clean and hygienic environment for the well-being of the poultry birds. Healthy birds are very vital for the success of the poultry business, and to ensure that birds live in good health and perform optimally, tools such as hypodermic syringes, knapsack sprayers, and other devices are necessary to maintain the health status of the birds.
  7. Vital for Protecting Poultry Birds: Poultry equipment such as folds, and battery cages are crucial for protecting birds against adverse weather conditions. Poor housing will predispose birds to bad environmental conditions which can lead to various outbreaks of pests and diseases on the farm
  8. Transportation of Farm Feed and Other Materials: Transportation of poultry feeds, egg bedding materials, drugs, and vaccinations can be carried from the warehouse or stored in the poultry house with the aid of a wheelbarrow and head pan.

List of Poultry Equipment and Tools Types

The various types of poultry equipment used in the poultry industries as highlighted by the West Africa exanimation Council are:

S/NOTools and Equipment in poultryS/noTools and Equipment in Poultry
2Battery cage15knife
3Debrakers16Kitchen shear
9Hydrodermic syringe/needle12table weighing scale
10Nesting box13saw
11hand gloves14sprayer
12boxes15Tape rule
13Egg tray/crate16Cutlass.

 Poultry Equipment, And Their Uses

The equipment used in the poultry industry is classified based on the following headings. They are

Brooding Equipment

These are the equipment used for providing heat or warmth to the chicks until they have developed enough feathers to cover their body. The equipment used in brooding is called the brooder. They are manually, electrically, and gas-operated.

The manually operated brooding tools require critical care because it pose a lot of challenges to the birds, while the electrically operated poultry equipment is usually in areas where the electricity supply is erratic. In most commercial and small-scale poultry farms these equipment are available. and are used side by side.

Examples of brooding equipment are thermometers, lanterns, Charcoal stoves, Gas heaters / electric bulbs, Hovers, Brooder guards, electrical heaters (heating rods or coils), etc.

Brooding Equipment and Their Uses

S/noBrooding Equipment  Uses
1ThermometerUses to measure the degree of hotness and coldness of the brooding house
2LanternUse to provide heat or warmth to the birds and also help to illuminant or lighten the brooding house.
3Charcoal stoveIt is suitable for providing heat to chicks
4Gas heater  You can use the gas heater to provide warm or heat in the brooder pen
5Electric bulbsIt is suitable for providing heat or warmth to the birds. and can also be used to lighten up the brooder house.
6HoversIt helps to direct the heat sources to enable chicks received maximum warmth.
7Brooder guardIt helps to restrict chicks’ movement from the heat source or supply
8Electrical heatersIt is to provide warmth to the chicks.

Poultry Feeding Equipment

These are equipment designed for feeding poultry birds. Feeding is one the most important aspects of poultry management and constitutes a higher percentage of the total cost of inputs on the farm.

Using good equipment will help to save costs, minimize feed wastage and contamination of feed. Examples of feeding equipment are poultry feeding troughs, automatic feeders, linear feeders, circular, mash box feeders, Poultry chick tray

Poultry Drinking Equipment

These equipment are designed to provide water for poultry birds. Water is very vital in the body of poultry birds because it helps to break down food, serves as a source of drinking for the farm owner, cleaning of the poultry house and other equipment on the farm.

Examples of watering equipment are poultry feeder troughs, automatic feeders, linear feeders, circular feeders, and poultry Trolleys (which are a simple, quick method of distributing feed and collecting dead stock.)

Poultry Processing Equipment

These are equipment designed for killing, de-feathering, and eviscerating poultry birds for consumption and sale. Processing is done when birds have attained the correct table size and can be done either for sales or consumption. 

Certain tools are specially designed to process birds, some examples of Poultry Processing Equipment are knives, poultry shears, transport crates, killing cones, cutlasses, scalding machines, cutting machines, eviscerate tables, washing bows, and electric cutters.

Poultry Processing Equipment and their Uses

S/noPoultry Processing Equipmentuses
1knifeIt is excellent for eviscerating and cutting vital parts of poultry birds
2Poultry shear       It is an excellent tool for dissembling part poultry birds
3transport crates/basketsyou can use equipment for transporting and moving birds to
4killing cones        the killing cone is suitable for killing birds
5CutlassIt is used for dissembling and cutting of bird
6Scalding machinesexcellent for de-feathering poultry birds
7Cutting machinesIt is a power machine used for cutting poultry birds
8Eviscerate table    It helps to provides a suitable platform for the cutting of poultry birds
9Washing bow       It helps to provide a suitable platform for the cutting of poultry birds
10Electric cutter       It is an electric cutter suitable for dissembling poultry parts
11Weighing scale    Determine the weight of birds for sales
12RefrigeratorUse for storing poultry meat

Poultry Hatchery Equipment

These equipment are used for detecting and hatching fertilized eggs. These equipment are very necessary in providing suitable temperature and relative humidity to enable the egg to develop an adequate embryo.

Examples of Hatchery Processing Equipment are incubators, candles, nest boxes, and Egg transfer machines. Chick master, setters, control systems, trays, trolleys, racks, washers, generators, egg grading equipment, and more.

Poultry Hatchery Equipment and Their Uses

s/noPoultry Hatchery Equipmentuses
1IncubatorExcellent for hatching fertilized poultry eggs
2CandlerUse for detecting unfertilized  poultry eggs
3Nest box     It is excellent equipment for the movement of eggs from the point of lay  to the collection point or to another location
4Egg transfer machines   It is used to provide warm or incubated poultry eggs
5Egg tray     It is suitable for the collector or storing of poultry eggs
6It is used to provide warm or incubated poultry eggsIt is used to provide warm or incubate poultry eggs
7RacksIt is suitable for the collector or storing of poultry eggs
8GeneratorsPower the incubator, and lighten the hatchery and electric power machines
9egg grading machine     It is suitable for  sorting poultry eggs into different sizes or grade

Vaccination Equipment

These are tools and equipment used for preventing the outbreak of pests and diseases in the poultry farm. They are injected as inoculum into the body of the birds such that they will be resistant to the outbreaks of certain diseases in the environment. Examples of vaccinating equipment are Knapsack Sprayer, hypodermic syringe, drinking trough

Vaccination Equipment and their uses

s/no no/bVaccination Equipment  uses
1Knapsack SprayerUse for fumigating or spraying  of vaccine on the body of  poultry birds
2Hypodermic syringe Use of injecting and administering a vaccine
3Drinking troughUse for application of vaccine through drinking water

Poultry Management Equipment

These are equipment used in the management of the poultry birds. These tools are vital for cleaning, repairing, and servicing other poultry equipment. They are used for the day-to-day activities of the activities on the farm.

Examples of management tools are Brooms, buckets, Debrakers Hammer, pliers, Screwdriver, cutlasses, tape rule, saws,

Management Equipment Tools and their Use

S/noTools and equipmentuses
1Broom:      Use for sweeping and cleaning the poultry house and stores
2Hammer:It is used for fixing wire mesh or fence of the poultry house.
3DebeakerYou can use the debeaker to reduce the beaks of birds to prevent cannibalism
4Pliers:It is used for fixing wire mesh or fence of the poultry house.
5ScrewdriverUse for driving nuts and bolts into poultry equipment during installation 
6Shovel/spadeIt is an excellent tool for removing poultry dung, dirty litter and fixing feeds
7Rake It is an excellent tool for removing poultry dung, and dirty litter and fixing feeds
8cutlass  Use for clearing grasses, cutting and dissembling parts of poultry birds
9Tape rule   Use for measurement of poultry equipment during construction
10Hand gloveProtect human hands against harmful materials, and prevent contact with pathogens
11Cover all    Protect the human body against harmful materials, and prevent coming in contact with pathogens  
12Rain boot   Protect leg against harmful materials and prevent the spread of pathogens

Maintenance of Poultry Equipment

Poor hygiene and sanitation in poultry farms may lead to widespread diseases. Unhygienic pens and litter will serve as a breeding ground for pests and diseases.

When Littre, equipment, and tools used for feeding and providing water for birds are not clean, and well-maintained disease may build up due to inadequate maintenance.

Hence, it is paramount to carry out daily maintenance and inspection of poultry equipment to determine dirty and worn-out tools. The maintenance practice of poultry equipment can be preventive and corrective maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

These are steps or actions taken daily to ensure that poultry equipment is clean and functioning optimally. These steps are carried out to ensure that equipment is not broken down. Examples of regular maintenance include 

  1. Use poultry tools and equipment correctly following the manufacturer’s guide.
  2. Wash and disinfect poultry equipment after use.
  3. Lubricate moving mental parts of poultry tools and equipment to prevent friction.
  4. Rub light oil on the mental part of poultry tools and equipment before storage to prevent rusting and corrosion
  5. Inspect and remove damaged tools and equipment.
  6. Regularly paint poultry tools and equipment to prevent rusting.   
  7. Service machine equipment regularly.

Corrective Maintenance

These are steps or actions taken daily to fix damaged tools and equipment.  It is a repair action executed to ensure that poultry tools are functioning optimally. Examples of Corrective maintenance include:

  1. Replace damaged and worn-out equipment   
  2.  Weld or mend broken tools and equipment

In conclusion

The success of every poultry farm lies on the types of farm tools and equipment used. Poor quality poultry equipment will make cleaning, and maintenance difficult. This article discussed the meaning, uses, types, and maintenance of poultry tools and equipment.

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