Miracle Leaf: History, Production, Benefits, Care, and  More

Introduction of The Miracle Leaf Plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum)

The Miracle Leaf Plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum)

Common Name: Miracle Leaf Plant, Resurrection Plant, Life Plant, Air Plant, and More

Botanical Name: Bryophyllum pinnatum

Local Name: Abamoda, Ebeokpokpa, Oken  (In Nigeria)  

The Miracle leaf plant belongs to the order saxifragales, the family of crassulacease, the genus of Bryophyllum, and the species of Pinnatum, (Bryophyllum pinnatum).

 Members of the family of Crassulacease, usually have thick, succulent leaves, fat, and tabulated stems they are mostly ornamental plants. 

 Some notable members of this family with the never die plant include Cotyledon spp, Tylecodon spp, and Adromischus spp

The lifesaving plant is an herbaceous perennial plant that has a hollow stem and woody stem, it is an ornamental plant that can be cultivated both indoors and outdoors.

The lifesaving plant is a traditional plant that is native Madagascar but has become one of the most popular herbal or medicinal crops cultivated in temperate countries of the world. And have since then spread to the rest of the world.  Today the crop is cultivated as an herbal crop in sub-Saharan Africa, and many other countries.

The plant is called different names in different countries such as Miracle leaf plant, lifesaving plant, wonder leaf, air plant, and never die plant

The thick trifoliate leaf plant exists in many colors and can reach a height of 1-2 meters when fully mature depending on the sowing platform and the soil fertility.

Botany of Miracle Leaf Plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum)

The botany of the Bryophyllum pinnatum is discussed below

The Leaves

The leaves of the Bryophyllum pinnatum are simple or trifoliate with short or long petioles depending on the cultivar, it is a thick greenish or serrated edge. The leaves have a purple margin. 

In some species of the (Bryophyllum pinnatum) the leaf is reddish. The leaf petioles are arranged along the stem in an opposite or alternate direction, each petioles carries multiple of three leaf lobs that are imparipinnate that is each leaf terminated by a single leaflet.

 The leaves are borne on the petioles of about 10 to 30cm. Depending on the species, the leaflet may be oval or narrowly oval with rounded tips borne at the terminal or the petioles.

The Stem

The miracle leaf plant is an erect plant that can grow to a height of 2m depending on the variety.  The stem is hairless and succulent at the apex.

The stem of the plant covers an outer skin known as the periderm. Inside the skin of the plant is a well-developed structure that helps to store food for the plant. 

 The Root

 The root of Bryophyllum pinnatum is an adventitious that grows from the leaves or seed after germination. As the plant matured it developed a well-organized root system. The plant has a tap root which serves as the organ for absorbing soil nutrients and water from the soil.

The Flower.

The never-die plant starts flowering during December – February and may extend to early March (I.e. summer –early spring). The flower is usually pollinated butterfly and bird for the outdoor plant.

The flower of the miracle leaf plant is usually yellow-green or pale green color sepals. The flower consists of inflourence, pedicel, calyx, corolla tube, and corolla lobes depending on the species, and has compact inflorescences. 

The flower is bell-shaped and drooping and can grow to a length of 7cm. The flowers are terminal inflorescences, appearing in clusters at the tips of the plant. Each flower on the terminal inflorescence is borne on a pedicel which is usually 10-25 mm long.

The flowers are fused into a calyx tube.  This calyx tube has a touch of pink or reddish colored. The petal is yellowish-green to dark red and are fused into the corolla tube. That divides the petal into four corolla lobes.

The Fruit

The fruits of the plant are thin, dry, and membranous usually about 15 mm in length. The fruit of the miracle plant has four small carpels. Which are enclosed within flower parts and contain various small brownish-colored seeds when dried. The seed split by the mean of explosive mechanisms. 


Varieties (Bryophyllum pinnatum)

 Many species or cultivars of the (Bryophyllum pinnatum) with various distinguishing features exist. Some of the notable varieties of the miracle leaf plant are similar to lavender scallops Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi, Bryophyllum delagoense, Bryophyllum houghtoniiBryophyllum daigremontianum) and  Bryophyllum proliferum).


 Method of Raising the Miracle Leaf Plant

The never die plant can raised either in the

  1. Indoor Methods (i.e. outside the corner of the house or the site out)
  2. Outdoor methods ( i.e. in the garden)


Indoor Methods

This is the cultivation of crops in or within the house. It involves the sowing of crops in pots, gallons, and other materials on the outside sit out, veranda, and within the house.

The steps by step for growing never die plant indoors or in a pot are:

Step 1: Select Viable Miracle Plant Seed.

The first step in the planting of Bryophyllum pinnatum indoors is to select a good seed or viable leave. The plant can be cultivated either by seed or leaves.

Select viable seeds, avoid damage, and hollow seeds. For leave cultivation, the leave should be mature, and viable, and succulent leave should selected for planting.

Step 2: Chop for the Right Container or Pots

When sowing or planting miracle plant seeds in a container, pot, or tray, they should be such that they can aid the optimal performance of the pant.

 A good container should be convenient to carry or fixed in a particular location, the pot or container selected should be kept in the house and have enough space for seed germination.

Step 3: Fill the Container with Fertile Soil

The miracle plant seeds can thrive in a wide range of soil. The soil used in the pots or tray should be well-drained loamy soil. The soil used for growing the plant should be slightly acidic to neutral soil. Acidic soil should be avoided when cultivating the miracle leaf for effective performance.

The soil in the pots or the containers should be well aerated for easy germination of seedlings.  

 Step 4: Plant the Miracle Seeds or the Leaves

The seed can be walked down the soil with the aid of a dibber or stick. Make a hole of about 5-7cm deep in the pots or containers. Place the seed in the hole and cover it slightly with fertilized soil. The leaves can also be planted by placing it on the top of the pot or the containers 

Step 5: Water Seedling or Seed Regularly.

The miracle plant seed either propagated asexually or sexually.  It should be watered regularly in the morning and evening. A small watering can should be used. When watering, care should be taken not to disturb the soil or the leaves.

Watering plants on pots or containers involves top watering. Watering should be done until the soil is evenly moist.  The containers should not be over-soaked, as over-soaking will lead to seed damage. The containers should be hollow to allow excess water to drain away from the pots.

Step 6: Place the Container in a Warm Location

The containers, pots, or trays containing the seed or seedlings should be kept in a good place.  the plant cannot survive extremely cool weather. A moderate temperature of above 11oc is considered best for the propagation.

 Step 7: Monitor the Seeds

Check the plant on a daily to ascertain germination performances of the plants, the seedling or the leave should be checked regularly or on a daily to ensure proper germination.


Outdoor Methods (On the garden or farm)

Outdoor cultivation refers to the planting of miracle plant seeds in the garden or the open field.

The following steps should be followed when cultivating the miracle plant seed or leaves in the open field.

Site Selections

 When determining where to plant the miracle plant seeds or leaves, it is appropriate to consider the environmental factors necessary for the germination of the plant.

The never-die plant seed or leaves plants can be cultivated in the tropics and temperate regions. The plant does not tolerate frost but does well under good temperatures.

The plant can tolerate slightly acidic soil, well-drained loamy soil, and a wide variety of soil.

 Land Preparation

The land to be used in planting the miracle leaf seed or leaves should be cleared, plough, and harrowed to form a fine tilt. If necessary the soil can be enriched with organic manure before planting or applied inorganic fertilizers such as phosphorus and potassium which are usually immobile fertilizers to boost the soil nutrients before sowing.

Plant Date

The never-die plant seed or leaves are cultivated  around spring i.e. March, April, May, and early summer i.e. June

Methods of Propagation.

The wonder plant seed or leaves can be propagated sexually or asexually. By the sexual, it can be cultivated by seed while by the asexual method, it can be cultivated by matured leave.  

Maintenance / Care of the Miracle Leaf Seed or Leaves

The following agronomic practices should be frequently carried out in the mi leaf farm for the effective growth and development of the seed.


In the garden, the first weeding should done 3 – 4 weeks after planting. The second weeding should be done 10-12 weeks after planting. Weeding is necessary in the 2- 6 months after planting to enable the plant to develop effective coverage.

Miracle plant seed or leaves is an allelopathy that can compete effectively with weeds for space, water, and nutrients. It is very important to carry out good weed management practices to ensure the effective germination of plants.

Weed control for the miracle plants entails a combination of weed control programs that integrate mechanical, and cultural methods and the use of herbicides. 

 For cultivated indoors, weeds can be controlled using hand pulling or picking while in the field pre-emergence herbicide can effectively be used in the control of weeds before planting, or selective herbicide can be used to control narrow leaves in Miracle Leaf farm since it is the broad-leave plant. 

Fertilizer Application

The plants can tolerate a wide variety of soil including poor soil. But for optimal performance in poor soil, organic manure which is compost or farm yard can be applied through banded method.

Inorganic fertilizers can be applied through banded methods or broadcasting. Complete or mixed fertilizers such as  NPK 20:5:5 or NKP 15:10:10. can be applied.  Nitrogenous fertilizers like urea can also be applied.


The plant tolerates with range of climatic conditions but remains succulent under a wet environment, therefore, the plant should be adequately watered.

The plant should be watered regularly. This can be done in the morning or the cool evening until the plant has developed adequately. 

Watering or irrigation should be done by watering cans or through the installation of sprinklers or dripping especially in a commercial wonder plant farm.

Disease and Pest Control

The Miracle plant is resistant to most pathogens but susceptible to leaf spot, and root rot disease.

The leaf can easily be damaged by aphides, wireworms, slugs, leave beetles, snails, and caterpillars which boreholes and damage the leaves of the plants. These can controlled by the use of pesticides or insecticides.


How to Prepare the Miracle Leaf for Uses

The never-die leaf is used for the treatment and curing of various ailments. It can be prepared either by boiling or heating.

In the Heating Method: The leaf is subject to little heat either by waving it around the fire source or placed on top of the fried pan for two-three seconds. The reason for the little heating is to loosen the bond between the leave and liquid so that the liquid can easily be extracted from the plant.

Boiling Method:  the leaf can be prepared into tea by boiling. The leaves are plucked and put into a kettle or pot, add water, and boil for 30 – 40 minutes. It can also be used in combination with other plants. It can also be blended with other plants such as stricta and Euphorbia hypericifolia for the preparation of organic tea.

How to Use Miracle Leaf for Cough, and Ashma

The wonder leaf contains strong medicinal properties that can help in the treatment of cough and asthma.

Get as many quantity of leaves of the Bryophyllum pinnatum. Place them around the hot object for at least a few seconds to ensure the leaves are softened, be careful not to burn the leaves.

squeeze the leaves with your hand and extract the juice. pour the extracted juice into a container or glass, you can add a little salt or sweetener.  Mixed the solution thoroughly and take a tablespoon of the solution three times a day i.e. morning, afternoon, and evening.

For newborn babies, it should be around 2.5ml, for children less than 2 years 5ml of the solution should be administered, for 3 years and above, one tablespoon should be used.  r Adult one glass of leaf tea can also be taken morning and evening for the treatment of cough.

How to Use Miracle Leaf for Arthritis and Rheumatism

The Leaf contains strong anti-inflammation properties that are used for the treatment of various types of joint diseases such as Arthritis and Rheumatism.

Individuals with chronic joint pain and stiffness can use the Leaf for treatment. Get a few leaves of the never-leaf crushed with your hand and apply the juice on the affected joint area.

More so, a glass of leaf tea can also be taken in the morning and evening for effective treatment.

How to use Miracle Leaf for Wound Healing, Bruises, and Burns.

The never-leaf contains wound-healing properties that are very effective in relieving pain and speeding up the rate of wound healing.

To use the leaf, subject it to little heat, then squeeze the leaf by the hand and apply the juice to the sore, or the wound.

This can be done morning, evening, and afternoon.  Additionally, the Leaf can be prepared into a tea by boiling and extracting the liquid.

The extracted liquid contains high quantities of vitamin C “: ascorbic acid”, which helps prevent scurvy, and aids wound healing.  

How to use Miracle Leaf for Healing Umbilical Cord in Children

The leaf is also very effective in the healing of the umbilical Cord in newborn babies. The wound healing properties are processed by the leaf makes healing effective.  The leaf is very effective in cutting and speeding up the rate of healing of the cord in children.

In Nigeria, particularly in rural areas, the leaf is predominately used for the cutting and healing of the umbilical cord instead of the use of synthetic drugs on children. 

To use the miracle leaf for the umbilical treatment, the leaf is heated, and crushed and the juice is applied around the umbilical Cord.

How to Use Miracle Leaf for Sleep

The life plant is used for the treatment of sleeping difficulty.  The juice is extracted after a little heating or boiling. Add a little sweeteners to the solution and take it every night before bed. 

How to Use Miracle Leaf Piles (Hemorrhoids)

The wonder leaf can be used individually or blended with herb leaves for the curing of piles,  the leaves are crushed between palms, and the juice is applied to the affected area or take at least tablespoons of the juice morning, afternoon, and evening.


Uses / Health Benefits of the Miracle Leaf

The plant is used in many countries as an herbal plant for the treatment of various types of ailments.

In Nigeria and other West African countries where the plant is grown abundantly, it is used as a traditional herb for the treatment of different types of diseases.  Laboratory analysis on the health benefits of the Leaf are:

 Would/Brush and Burn Healing

Bryophyllum pinnatum contains active healing properties. This is possible when the juice is extracted and applied to the affected area. The continuous usage of the leaf increased wound, burn, and brush healing.

Relief of Arthritis and Rheumatism

The never-die Leaf has anti-inflammation properties that are helpful in the treatment of various types of joint diseases such as Arthritis and Rheumatism. People with severe joint pain and stiffness can use Miracle Leaf for fast relief of inflammation.

 Treatment of Diabetic.

 Bryophyllum Pinnatum contains high level of zinc which is a vital element needed by diabetic patients. The leaf when consumed can help reduce blood sugar levels in humans.

Reduction of High Pressure

The miracle leaves contain high levels of methanol which has antihypertensive properties, that can be used to manage high-level blood pressure when consumed.

Help Relieve Sleeping Difficulty

The plant has been reported to contain neuropharmacological and pentobitone which can help reduce sleeping difficulty and promote good sleeping quality.

Treatment of Insecticide in Agriculture.

The plant contains insecticide properties that are harmful to the larvae of silkworms. The liquid extraction from the Leaf can be used to control silkworms in the silk farm.

Nutritive Miracle Tea

The never-die leaf can be processed into tonic or tea which is rich in water-soluble vitamins such as C and B which aid wound healing, prevent common cold, and anemia, fatigue, joint pain, and swelling.

Treatment of Malaria

The Wonder Leaf contains antipyretic qualities which are used in folklore medicine for the treatment of fever and malaria. The tonic when taken can help reduce fever.

Treatment of Skin Disease.

Bryophyllum pinnatum is used to treat infections and diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. The extract when applied around the infected area can help reduce the spread of this inflammation. 

Treatment of Microbial Infections.

Bryophyllum pinnatum contains certain compounds that when used with other plants are harmful to pathogens (disease-causing organisms) such as Fungi, bacteria, viruses, and protozoans. The leaves extract can effectively be used in the treatment of infections such as Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans (fungi), Escherichia coliPseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumonia (protozoan), Staphylococcus aureusBacillus subtilis, and Enterococcus faecalis.(bacterial) and Measles and herpes (virus).

 It is Used Treatment of Piles (Hemorrhoids)

The wonder leaf can be used in a mixture with other herbs or individually for the treatment of piles.

Side Effect of the Miracle Leaf.

The Life Plant has been in use for many decades, and no meaningful side effects have been reported, but it is always advisable to subject the leaves to little heat for healthy consumption. 

The following side effects have been reported with the use of the Life Plant.

  1. It can lead to cardiac poisoning when used by farm animals such as goats, sheep, and cattle.
  2. Excessive consumption of the plant can lead to stomach upset, vomiting, and heartburn.
  3. Do not use the plant when taking other synthetic drugs, it may reduce or increase the effect of other drugs.
  4. The leaves should not administered to pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy.

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