Is Teaching A Profession? Overview, and Topt 5 points to Argue That Teaching is A Profession

Definition of a Teaching a Profession.

The question “Is teaching a profession”? Is an argument in the 21st century because of the ways and manner the teaching profession is being handled in some countries? First, let us look at the concept of a profession.

The word profession refers to a type of occupation or career that involves specialized knowledge, training, and competencies and adheres to a set of ethical standards and codes of conduct, and they may be subject to regulation or licensing by relevant authorities.

A profession can also be defined as a calling in which one professes to have acquired special knowledge either for instructing, guiding, or advising others or especially attending to them.

Professionals all over the world cannot be the same but have certain characteristics that qualify them to become professionals. All profession varies depending on the number of years spent studying that particular profession in school or the experiences put into the profession.

Qualifications obtained before entering some professions are more difficult than others depending on the regulatory bodies.  Examples of some notable professions are Lawyers, Nurses, Doctors, Engineers, Accountants, Architects, Quantity Surveyors, and so on.

These professions mentioned above have strong and thorough quality control measures and compulsory registration for all members. All professions play a crucial role in society by providing specialized services and expertise that contribute to the well-being, safety, and progress of individuals and communities.

Standard and quality control, problem-solving, accountability and regulation, education and training, advocacy and publicity, innovation and research, conflict resolution, and public trust and confidence are also some of the functions of a profession.   Is teaching a profession? Let them look at the characteristic that makes teaching a profession before we continue.

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Characteristics of a Profession

Every true profession like the teaching profession must have the following characteristics as pointed out by the National Open University of Nigeria:

(i)      Every profession must acquire specialized knowledge, training, and value that is essential for the practice of an occupation or a career.

(ii)     Every profession has regulatory bodies that control entry into the occupation

(iii)    Every profession must have a code of conduct that guide the behavior of all individual or members of the profession.

(iv)    Every profession must have a strong professional organization that protects the interests of its individuals or members.

(v)     Every profession must have the Independence and freedom to after obtaining all the requirements to practice without any interference.

(vi)    Every profession provides an avenue for continuing education.

From the following, the question “Is teaching a profession” is clearly illustrated

Argument That Teaching is A Profession

Is teaching a profession? The following point will help justify that teaching is a profession.

Specialize Knowledge

Teaching like any other profession in the world requires its members to possess specialized knowledge, value, and skills that are not obtainable to other professions or the general public.

This knowledge, value, and skill are often acquired through formal education, and informal education (i.e. training, and experience). To become a teacher, it is required that one would have to undergo certain training, in the teaching profession that will qualify such fellow to become a teacher.

Teachers’ institutes/colleges or universities are usually prescribed by the National Policy on Education (NPE) as an avenue for teachers to acquire all the necessary knowledge to qualify as a teacher.

It is usually stipulated in the NPE that all teachers in educational institutions at any level, that is from pre-primary to university must be professionally trained either in federal, state, or private colleges of education or study education programs in the Universities in the country.

During the teacher training process, teachers are required to study classified knowledge in some educational courses that will enable them to acquire knowledge of the subject matter to teach, pedagogies of teaching, and how to evaluate the attainment of stated objectives.

The teacher in training is expected to be exposed to contents of philosophy of education, Educational Psychology, Sociology of education, educational management, curriculum development, and evaluation studies, Other areas include research, history of education, and teaching practice to enable the teacher in the teacher-training program to acquire relevant pedagogies of teaching that are not available to other general public. 

It is now clear that teaching is a profession like every other profession all over the world.

Code of Ethics or Conduct

teaching like any other profession has a code of ethics or a set of professional standards that guide the behavior and decision-making of members within the profession.

These codes of ethics or conduct refer to a set of expectations on the behaviour of members that stipulate or lay down rules and principles such as confidentiality, honesty, and integrity that guide the activities it members.

A code of ethics or conduct is usually produced and handed over to members to enable members to be productive and to enable clients to get value for their money or trust. The code of ethic or conducts also help to protect members from exploiting the public and abide by the tenet of the profession.

In Nigeria for example the teaching code of conduct stipulates that the teacher should:

  1. Deal sincerely and impartially with the pupils and students respective of who they are (i.e. Individual differences)
  2. Avoid using defamatory remarks or comments on students, parents, or guidance.
  3.  value or respect the basic desire of parents or guidance for the education of their wards; and
  4. Should also keep parents or guidance informed about the progress of their wards in terms of their schoolwork.
  5. These codes of conduct or ethics are usually enforced in Nigeria by a body called the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT). This illustration answers the question “Is teaching a profession”

Licensing or Certification

This is another illustration that answers the question “Is teaching a profession” Every profession including the teaching profession requires practitioners or members to obtain a license or certification from a regulatory body or professional association before giving access to practices.

The teaching profession all over the world has a regulatory body that enters and exists the profession.  In Nigeria for example the teacher regulatory body is responsible for licensing teachers in Nigeria.

These licenses demonstrate that a person or an individual has acquired the necessary qualifications, skills, training, and value to practice in the profession. This illustration helps us to answer the question “Is teaching a profession”


Every profession including the teaching profession requires accountability. Member of the teaching professions are required to be accountable for their actions and decisions. 

If any member of the profession is found to be involved in any illegal or shady act, they may be held legally or ethically responsible for such shady or illegal behavior displayed or harm caused by their work.

Because members are held responsible for their shady or harm caused in the discharge of their work ensure that members of a profession provide services that meet acceptable standards of quality and safety. This illustration proves the question “Is teaching a profession”

Continuing Education

this is another illustration that answers the question “Is teaching a profession” Every profession including the teaching profession require its members to engage in professional courses, conferences, and symposium to stay current and updated with the latest advancements in their field of endeavor.

Continuing education is an avenue for professional members to maintain and enhance their skills, value, and knowledge to be productive. The teaching Profession offers its members opportunities for in-service training in education such as Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Sandwich programs in education, and postgraduate programs in their field of studies.

Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) and sandwich program in education are courses designed for individuals for Universities or Polytechnics who do not have educational experience or qualification in the teaching profession but after some time the need or necessity shifted such people’s education and may wish to be or continue in teaching such people may apply for sandwich or diploma in education to have a teaching qualification.

Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) are usually one-year courses offered in the University College and National Teachers Institute (NTI) to qualify graduates who do not have teaching qualifications in the course of their training.

Sandwich programs are usually four to five-year programs run during the holidays or long vacations for full-time teachers who, because of the nature of their jobs will not have the luxury of time to attend the full-time training programs.

The professional growth of the teacher in the diploma or sandwich program is not as easy as a lot of people perceive it to be, it is a rigorous program because the teachers are exposed to all the content in the teaching as compared to full-time students.

They are exposed to various school subjects in their area of study and education to acquire the relevant pedagogies in teaching.

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