11  Improved Cassava Varieties for Cassava Production Enterprise

Introduction to Improve Cassava Varieties for Cassava Production Enterprise

In recent times, the use of traditional cassava cultivars has been characterized by poor yielding, susceptibility to diseases, low dry matter contents, and poor starch quality. 

However, new cassava varieties have been developed with better qualities compared to the old varieties contributing to high yields, high dry matter, starch qualities, pests, and disease.

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Choose the Right Cassava Varieties for Cassava Production Enterprise

Choosing high-yielding cassava varieties is a major factor that will contribute to the success of yields in cassava production enterprise essentially if the goal of the production is profit-making. 

Various cassava species have been developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture.  Some of the improved  cassava varieties as submitted by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture are:


TME 419

Species: Manihot esculentum c
Name of variety: TME 419

Improve Cassava Varieties
TME 419

This is a robust breed of cassava that can grow up to 3 to 4 meters tall without branching. It can thrive in the North-central, South-south, Southeast, and Southwest regions.

This variety is an improved cassava strain that can yield about 35.2 hectares per harvest, making it a high-yielding option.

TMS 419 is reported to have originated from Togo and was among the varieties of cassava developed and released by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria in 2005.

This strain of cassava has become one of the most widely cultivated and popular cassava varieties in Nigeria. The tall and unbranched nature of the TME 419 makes the practice of mixed cropping very suitable.

This particular variety of cultivars has green leaves at a tender age and an orange color at maturity. The stem of this hybrid species of cassava is dark green while the mature stem is brown.

This genetically bred variety of casava produces dry matter fresh root contents of  39.0, starch content of about 65.7, Garry yield of 4.50 protein yield of 2.7, and amylose of starch.  18.9.and it takes between 10- 12 months for this cassava hybrid to mature.

Features of TME 419

The important features of these improved strains are:

  1. It is resistant to cassava mosaic diseases and some pests of cassava.
  2. it is high yielding, that is are 35. 2 tons per /ha.
  3. it is very suitable for food consumption due to its starch content.
  4. the high starch contents make it suitable for industrial uses.
  5. it is suitable for making farm livestock feed



Species: Manihot esculentum, C.

Name of variety: TMS97/2205


Improve Cassava Varieties
TMS 97/2205

This cultivar was introduced in 2005 and has since then spread across the country. This species of cassava has a vigorous growth rate of approximately about 0.5m and can effectively suppress weed growth in the early stage of cultivation.

This improved variety of cassava breeds is ideal for mixed cropping. The leaves of this species are purple when young, and turn red-purple as they mature.

The young stem of TMS 97/2205  newly improved varieties of cassava is dark green while the mature stem is brown.

This breed of cassava varieties is well known for dry matter fresh root contents of  39.0, starch contents of about 66.9, Garry yield of 18.0 protein yield of 3.7, the amylose starch is  19.0. and mature at 12 months of age.



Species: Manihot Esculentum C,
Name of variety: TMS98/0510

Improve Cassava Varieties
TMS 98/0505.

This cassava variety yields high and grows up to 2m. It can thrive in northern Nigerian states like Kaduna, Abuja, Mokwa, and Benue.

The cassava strain was developed and introduced in 2005, by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria.

This variety is known for its high-yielding ability and has become a popular choice of varieties for both commercial and subsistence farmers in Nigeria and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

TMS98/0510 species of cassava is a hybrid cassava variety with high branching habits of about at 0.5cm.  Unlike other species that are suitable for mixed cropping, this hybrid due to its branching ability thrived under mixed cropping.

The stem of this improved variety of cassava is dark red when the leaves are unexpanded but pale green when fully mature. The stem is yellow at full maturity while it is pale green at tender age.

The yield of this cassava variety is estimated to be 45.5 tons per hectare under good management.  It has dry matter fresh root contents of approximately 36.2%, starch contents of about 67.1 sugar contents of 4.5%, Garry yield of 26.3, protein yield of 4.0%, and amyloses of the starch 20.2.

 Feature of  TME98/0505

The features of this improved species of cassava are:

  1. It is resistant to multiple pests resistant,
  2. high yielding that is 45.5 t/ha
  3. it is very suitable for food consumption,
  4. it has high starch contents which makes it suitable for industrial uses
  5. it is suitable for compounding  livestock feed


species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of variety: TMS98/0510


Improve Cassava varieties


This cassava variety was developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria in 2005.

These varieties of cassava have become major cultivars of cassava across Nigeria and other part of West Africa. This hybrid cassava variety has moderately branching habits and moderate growth habits of about 2.5cm.

This newly improved species of cassava is fairly suitable for mixed cropping. The stem of TME98/0510 is usually brown at a tender age and purple when fully mature.

At maturity, the stem of this young newly improved variety of cassava is dark green while the mature stem of the TME 98/0510 is brown.

This innovatively bred cassava varieties have dry matter fresh root content of  roughly 34.0, starch contents of approximately 66.8, Garry yield content of 26.3, protein yield of 3.3, and amylose of 20.2

Features of TME98/0510

The important features of TME 98/0510 are:

  1. It is pest-resistant,
  2. high yielding, i.e 37.5 t/ha,
  3. “It is high in starch content, which is used in various industries.
  4. it is suitable for human and livestock feed.


TMS 98/0581

species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of variety: TMS 98/0581

Improve Cassava Varieties
Tms 98/0581

From high-yielding cassava variety to early branching, this improved cassava variety should be one of your best choices for profitable cassava production.

TMS98/0581 possesses a high growth ability of about 3m and it can be cultivated in the north-central, south-south, southeast, and southwest parts of Nigeria.

This cassava variety was developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria.

The cassava cultivar has become one of the staple cassava cultivated in Nigeria and other sub-Saharan Africa. The TMS 98/0581 species is an early branching variety that can start branching at a height of 0.5 to 1m.

The early branching characteristic of this variety makes it fairly suitable for mixed cropping. However, the crop can be intercropped with maize, sorghum, millet, and pepper.

This cassava varieties have a purple color at a tender age and green with tainted red leaves toward the base of the leaflet at maturity.

The stem is yellow at full maturity while it is pale green at tender age. This improved cassava variety is estimated to yield 47.3 tons per hectare under good management.

TMS 98/0581 gives the starch contents of 68.7% and a dry matter fresh root of about 36.6%.

Feature of TMS 98/0581

The features of this improved cassava are:

  1. It is resistant to cassava mosaic diseases
  2. It is yielding, i.e 47.3 t/ha
  3. it takes about 12 months to reach maturity
  4. it has high in starch contents 

TMS 92/0057

species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of variety: TMS 92/0057


Improve Cassava Varietis
TMS 92/0057


From high-yielding cassava variety to early branching, this improved cassava variety should be one of your best choices for profitable cassava production.

TMS98/0581 Posesss good growth ability of about 3m, and can be cultivated in the North-central, south-south, southeast, and southwest.

This hybrid cassava variety was developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria.

This species of cassava has become one of the staple cassava cultivated in Nigeria and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

The TMS 98/0581 species has a good branching ability and can start branching at a height of 0.5 to 1m. This characteristic makes this variety fairly suitable for mixed cropping.

However, the crop can be intercropped with maize, sorghum, millet, and pepper. This cassava varieties have a purple color at a tender age and green with tainted red toward the base of the leaflet of a mature plant.

The stem is yellow at full maturity while it is pale green at tender age. This improved cassava variety is estimated to give a yield of 47.3 tons per hectare under good management.

TMS 98/0581 gives the starch contents of 68.7% and a dry material fresh root of about 36.6%.

Feature of TMS 98/0581

some of the features of TMS 98/0581 are:

  1. It is resistant to cassava mosaic diseases and Pest
  2. It gives a yielding that is 47.3 t/ha
  3. it reaches maturity at 12 months
  4. it has good  starch contents
  5. Drought resistant, 


TMS 92/0326

species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of variety: TMS 92/0326

TMS 92/0326 is an early maturing, moderate-yielding variety of cassava and can reach a height of 2-3 m.

The tall stature of this particular species of cassava makes it a great option for mixed cropping.

This variety of cassava was developed and introduced in 2006 by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture in collaboration with the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria and other organizations, as an improvement on previous cassava varieties.

This species has a good branching ability and can start branching at heights 0.7m and 2.6m which gives the varieties the ability to intercrop with other arable crops such as maize, sorghum millet, and melon. The yield of this cassava variety is estimated to be 39.5 tons per hectare. It takes about 10-12 to reach maturity.

Feature of TMS 92/0326

Some of the  important features of this improved cassava variety are:

  1. It is resistant to cassava mosaic diseases
  2. It gives a yielding that is 47.3 t/ha
  3. the maturity period is 10-12 months
  4. it is high in starch contents which is used in industries
  5. Sucessiable to CMD and bacterial blight disease


TMS 96/1632

species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of Variety: TMS 96/1632

Improve Cassava Varieties
TMS 92/0326

The choice for TMS 96/1632 improved cassava varieties is one of the best choices mostly if the aim of production is profit-making. 

This technologically bred cassava is high-yielding and has early branching characteristics of 1.3m. This cassava variety is drought-resistant, making it suitable for cultivation in North-central and can reach a height of 3m.

These improved cassava varieties were developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria. These varieties of cassava have been introduced to other parts of sub-Saharan Africa and can be intercropped with maize, and Melon.

TMS 96/1632 has a purple color at a tender age and green with tainted red toward the base of the leaflet of a   mature plant. The stem is yellow at full maturity while it is pale green at tender age.

This cassava variety is estimated to yield 43.7 tons per hectare under good management. TMS. 96/1632. Can give the starch contents of about 64.7% and a dry matter fresh root of about 36.6%.

Features of TMS 96/1632

The  improved cultivar cassava are:

  1. It is resistant to cassava mosaic diseases and pest
  2. It gives a yield of 47.3 tons/ha
  3. it has high starch contents.
  4. it is susceptible to CMD and bacterial blight diseases
  5. the maturity period is 12 months


TMS 98/002

species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of Variety: TMS 98/002

Improve Cassava Varieties
TMS 98/002

This is the highest-yielding cassava variety with an estimated yield value of 48.4 tons/ha. This cassava variety is very profitable under a commercial system of production.

This hybrid of cassava has early branching characteristics of 0.5m and is suitable for mixed cropping.

TMS 98/002 can be drought-resistant and survive extremely poor weather. The cassava has a moderate growth ability and can reach a height of 2m.

These improved cassava varieties were developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria in 2006 and they have become major cultivars of cassava in Nigeria and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The maturity period of  TMS 98/002 is 10-12 months.


NR 87184

Species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of Variety: NR 87184

This Hybrid is a moderate-yielding improved cassava variety with an estimated yield value of 34.6 tons/ha. It is a high-branching species of cassava which makes it unsuitable for mixed cropping.

NR 87184  is drought-resistant and capable of surviving extreme weather. The cassava has a high growth ability and can reach a height of 3m.

These improved cassava varieties were developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture and the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria in 2006 and they have become major cultivars of cassava in Nigeria and other sub-Saharan Africa.

This improved cassava can reach maturity in about 10-12 months with good starch contents. 


Pro-Vit A

Species: Manihot esculentum C,
Name of Variety: Pro-Vit A

This variety is popularly called vitamin A cassava varieties. They are referred to as the UMUCASS series.

This improved cassava variety is estimated to yield 35.4 tons/ha.  This hybrid cassava has early branching characteristics of 0.5m and is not suitable for mixed cropping.

Pro-Vit A variety is drought-resistant and can survive extremely poor weather. The cassava variety is a moderate growth and can reach a height of 2m.

These improved cassava varieties were developed and introduced by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture.

They have become major cultivars of cassava in Nigeria and other sub-Saharan Africa. This improved cassava can reach maturity at 8-12 months and have poor starch content.


Frequently Ask Questions

6 months cassava variety

It takes approximately a year i.e. 12 months before cassava will maturity state. However, the newly improved cassava varieties by the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in collaboration with the National Root Crop Research Institute of Nigeria (NCRI) can yield well by six 6 months of age, some of the varieties that reach maturity before year are TME-419, TMS 98/002, Pro-Vit A and TMS 92/0326

Which cassava variety is best for Garri?

The best cassava variety for Garri is TME 419 which gives 45.6% of Garri yield.

What is the best variety of cassava?

There are many cassava varieties used in the production industries, some are disease resistant, drought resistant, early maturity, and good yielding cassava strains. The best cultivar of cassava depends on the choice of the producer or the growers.

The best cassava varieties are: TMS 96/ 1632 gives a yield of 43.2 tons per hectare, TME 98/ 0002 with a yield of 48.4 tons per hectare, TMS 98/0505 a yield of 45.5 tons per hectare and TMS 92/0326 give the yield 39.5 tons per hectare

What is the starch content of dried cassava?

The starch content of dried cassava root depends on the varieties. The average starch content of Manihot esculenta, C is about 65.4 to 80.8 %.

Some examples of cassava starch percentages are: TME98/0510 contains about 66.8 %, starch contents, TME 98/ 0505 contains about 67.1 starch contents and TME 419 has starch contents of about 65.7 and Tms 98/0581 gives starch contents of 68.7%

What is the amylose content of cassava starch?

The amylose contents of cassava range from 18.5 – 27.8% depending on the varieties of the cassava.

The percentage of starch content found in cassava is called the amylose content of cassava. Cassava plant normally stores their energy in the form of starch.

The starch stored in cassava is made of two molecules, they are amylose and amylopectin. The amylose is a polysaccharide structure found in the starch.

Examples of cassava and their amylose starch contents are: Tme 419 has 18.9% amylose contents, TMS 98/0505 has amylose of the starch 20.2%, and TME98/0510 has 20.2% amylose

What is the composition of cassava root?

Cassava root is made up of different compositions. This composition varies from one variety to another. Below is the composition of cassava roots
S/No Composition percentage
1 cyanogenic potential (CNP, ppm) 77. 5% – 110.0
2 Dry matter of fresh cassava root 36.2- 50.1
3 Garri yield 22.6- 60.5
4 Proximate composition of dry roots
Starch % 65.91- 80.8
Sugar% 4.6 – 10.5
Protein% 1.5 – 6.6
Ash% 1.5- 3.4
Fibres% 1.0 – 2.5
Amylose% of the starch 18.4 -26.9

What is the CP content of cassava?

The content of cyanogenic potential (CNP, ppm) of cassava also varies from one cultivar to another.  Research has shown that the older the cassava the higher the cyanogenic content of the cassava.

The cassava of any species contains toxic substances called cyanogenic glycosides which are toxic to plants and animals. The following are the cyanogenic potential of cassava varieties. They are: TMS 98/0505 CMP content is 77. 5% and TME419, CMP content is, 110.0

In conclusion.

Cassava production is very enterprising with the use of improved strains of cassava. the industrial demand for cassava ranges from food production,  confectionery, drug production, and sweeteners.

In this article, we have discussed the best cassava cultivars that are high-yielding, disease resistant, starch content, and early maturing varieties that will enable farm maximized profit in cassava production.

If you need any of these cassava varieties you can contact the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture or contact us through our home page, and we will help you get the right cassava stems for cultivation.

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