Horse Feed Storage: Everything You Need To Know

Definition of Horse Feed Storage

“A Healthy horse is a happy horse” The quality of feed is a strong determinant of the health status of the equine.

Thus, the horse feed needs to be properly stored for the health and vitality of the horse. Horse feed storage therefore refers to the use of specialized storage facilities or devices to preserve the quality of horse feed in other to increase their shelf life.

Some horse feeds such as fresh forage, contain a lot of moisture which needs adequate storage to avoid spoilage. Efficient containers, moisture-resistant bins, and innovatively crafted Horse feed storage structures and facilities are needed to keep the freshness and nutritional quality of horse feed.

Preservation of equine feed to meet the regulatory standard, customers’ needs, and the safety of horses requires the adequate implementation of technologically designed storage facilities.

In the equine industries, if feed is left unprocessed and preserved it will be predisposed to microorganism attack. Pathogens such as bacteria, and fungi can easily attack equine feed and render them unfit for consumption.

Horses are majorly used for sports, production, and transportation traveling long distances, hence, well-crafted storage facilities need to be utilized to preserve their feed for the well-being and sound performance of horses.

Individuals in the horse business such as Commercial feed suppliers, stables attendants, and equestrians emphasized innovatively constructed storage devices or facilities for effective horse feed storage.

Pests such as rats, cockroaches, and weevils can easily infest horse feed and reduce its quality and market value.


  1. Definition of Horse Feed Storage
  2. Guideline for Choosing the Right Horse Feed Storage Facilities for Feed Longevity
  3. Economic Benefit of Horse Feed Storage: Minimizing Waste through Efficient Horse Feed Storage Solution.
  4. Categories of Horse Feed Storage
  5. Types of Horse Feed Storage Containers and Bins Advantages and Disadvantages 


Guideline for Choosing the Right Horse Feed Storage Facilities for Feed Longevity

High-quality feed for horses will ensure excellent growth and normal performance. A well-preserved horse feed is essential for a healthy horse and a healthy horse is a happy horse.

The following guidelines should be considered in the construction or buying of your horse feed storage container or bin.

The Durability of the Material Use

The durability of horse feed refers to the ability of ranchers and equestrians to use storage devices for a long time.

The material used for the construction of the storage structure should be durable. A well-designed material for horse feed solution should be such that it can withstand rough usage and should not break easily.

Materials used should not be such that can destroyed by equine. Metal or galvanized ions steel is durable and can be easily maintained.

The Capacity of the Storage Structure

Another factor that should be considered in the choice of the right horse feed storage Facilities is the capacity of the storage structure.

There are different capacities of horse feed facilities designed for horse feed. There are transport, working, and sporting horses and each requires special storage capacity for feed storage.

The capacity of the storage devices or structure for sport is different from working and transporting horses. In the horse facilities manufacturing industries, consideration must given to capacity.

Size of the Farm

The smaller the size of the ranch, the smaller the number of storage facilities required, and vice versa.

The rancher or equestrian should consider the size of the farm before embarking on demanding or purchasing a horse feed storage device.

It will not be wise to buy large types of storage facilities for a small horse ranch.

Climatic Factor of the Area

The climatic condition of the area or location should be considered. High temperature and too low temperature affect the horse feed quality as well as too high and low relative humidity.

 Low temperature and high rainfall lead to reduced feed dry quality and increase the growth of mold on the feed.

Types of Feed Used

The types of feed used for feeding horses determine the type of horse feed solution. The storage devices for fresh forage are different from the ones used for the storing of hay or pellet.

Fresh feed requires cold storage, and pellet feed requires an airtight bin or container to remain dry.

Financial Considerations

The financial capacity of the rancher or equestrians is another factor to be considered in the choice of horse feed solution.

Commercial farmers require highly sophisticated feed storage structures while small scare horse owners need small and portal storage facilities.

it is necessary to consider the farmer’s financial strengths before manufacturing or purchasing horse feed solutions.

Maintenance Factors

The ease of maintenance is another important guideline for choosing the right horse feed facilities for feed longevity.

Structures or devices with difficult maintenance abilities should be avoided. The horse feed storage solution should be easy to wash or clean, it should not be a device or facilities with a rough surface.

The feed storage solution should have a smooth, and shiny surface for ease of washing, and cleaning and the ability to resist corroding.

Type of the Horse

Working, sporting, and transportation horses may not have the same feed storage device. The types of storage solutions required by transport horses should be significantly different from those of the working horse.

The rancher or the equestrian should consider the purpose of horse management before purchasing or constructing horse feed containers.

Protection from Pest and Disease Infestation

One of the important reasons for storing horse feed is to prevent spoilage. Pathogens such as fungus and bacteria as well as rats, and cockroaches can easily infest horse feed and render them useless.

If a storage feed solution does not protect feed from pest and disease infestation, such storage facilities are useless and it is not worthy to be used.

The horse storage facilities or devices should be effective and efficient in preserving and increasing the shelf life of feed.


A bin or container with convenient feed access and monitory should be chosen for the storage of equine feed in the stable.

Avoid bins or containers that have difficulty excessing feed for individual horses per time. Easily easy access to feed saves time and reduces the drudgery associated with feed equine.

Some feed storage bins or containers have automatic storage built-in features with a mechanism to dispense feed.


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Economic Benefit of Horse Feed Storage: Minimizing Waste through Efficient Horse Feed Storage Solution.

Innovatively designed horse feed storage containers, moisture-resistant bins, and feed storage structures and facilities can help optimize feed wastage and resources management in the stables, and equestrian.

Some of the economic benefits of the efficient Horse Feed Storage Solution are:

Reduced Feed Wastage

Proper storage of horses’ feed helps to minimize feed wastage and innovatively crafted containers and bins can help retain the quality of feed for a longer time thereby preventing feed wasting.

 Infested, Contaminated, and soiled feed is not fit for horse consumption because of the possibility of posing serious health risks to the animal.

Suppliers and buyers require proper storage facilities to reduce the wastage of resources in purchasing feed with the resultant effect of increasing production.

Prevent Spoilage

Proper feed storage helps to increase the shelf life of stored feed. Horse feed contains a lot of moisture hence, they should be properly stored to reduce the infestation of microorganisms.

Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi easily can attack an improperly stored feed and reduce the quality of the feed.

Transporting horses and working horses need a healthy feed for normal well-being and performance. Good storage devices that can help preserve feed from spoilage and increase the shelf life of the feed should be considered.

Lower Cost of Production

A proper horse feed solution should lower the cost of purchasing and demanding additional feed in the stable or equestrian.

Since spoiled and contaminated feed is not good for horse consumption, this leads to purchasing and supplying of high-quality feed thereby increasing the cost of production.

Prevent Pest Infestation

The use of pest horse-free facilities can help decrease wastage of feed, and cost of production and increase horse feed vitality.

Pest-infested feed poses a serious health problem in the stable or equestrians. Rats, cockroaches, weevils, and other feed pests can infest feed, reduce the market value, quality, and quantity of feed, as well as serve as a primary host for pathogens.

Prevent Diseases Infestation

A good store feed is necessary for a thriving and resilient horse. Diseases such as fungus and bacteria can easily infest poorly stored feed and pose challenging health issues to horses.

Molds and spores can easily grow in a poorly stored feed leading to the wastage of precious feed.


Categories of Horse Feed Storage

There are different categories of horse feed containers adopted to determine the quality of feed in the stable.

A poorly stored feed is a breeding ground for the growth of pathogens. Bear in mind that a healthy horse is happy. The following are the categories of horse feed containers.

Space-Saving Feed Storage Devices.

These types of storage devices are designed to reduce space in the stable. They are constructed to fit into stable sizes, they are portable feed storage structures designed to fit into smaller stable or room.

These categories of feed storage structures are most suitable for transporting horse feed from one location to another.

Examples of these types of equine storage containers or bins are stackable bins, wall-mounted containers, sealable plastic bags, and sliding units. These types of devices aim to minimize storage space.

Moisture-Resistant Feed Devices

Moisture affects the quality, and vitality and predisposes feeds to fungus and bacterial infestation.

These devices do not observe moisture and therefore help to keep feed always dry and healthy.

Moisture resistance containers or bins are properly sealed with a good lid which prevents moisture from entering into the container.

Horses are majorly outdoor animals whether they are working on the field, sporting, or on a journey due to this, moisture resistance storage devices are paramount for sustainable horse feed storage.

Examples of these types of feed storage are plastic bins, sealable plastic bags, and metal bins.

Airtight Horse Feed Storage Devices

These are the best forms of storage devices for horse feed. Feed in the airtight devices can stay for a long time without losing quality or taste.

They are constructed in such a way that air and contaminants are prevented from entering the device or facilities. The airtight device includes a feed silo and plastic container lid.

Fresh Horse Feed Storage Devices.

In ensuring that every feed delivered to the horse contains high-quality nutrients that are required for growth and development, the right storage structure must be used.

The horse does not only have flair for hay but also for fresh feed. The horse feed requires a minimum temperature range for effectiveness.

Too high and too low temperatures and sunlight are not appropriate for horse feed, minimum cold temperature must be maintained to keep horse feed fresh and healthy.

It should not be subjected to too high or too cold temperatures. The optimal temperature range of the feed should be maintained.


Also Read Horse Pasture Grass Seeds: Overview, Characteristics, And 12 Types of Horse Pasture Grass Seeds.


Types of Horse Feed Storage Containers and Bins: Feed Storage as a Long term strategy.

Proper horse feed storage is necessary for the well–being of horses and the brands of the devices are also necessary for the effective storage of feed.

Some of the storage devices used in the stable as submitted by are:

Metal Bins

Horse Feed storage
Horse Metal Bin

These are airtight containers designed with iron or galvanized steel for storing horse feed. They have all the sides innovatively covered with metal and with chambers, different types of metal bins and capacities are available in the overall capacity and storage of equine feed.

The metal bin are similar to the refrigerator but different significantly.

Advantages of the Metal Bin

Some of the advantages of the metal bins are:
1. They are very durable
2. They are highly resistant to moisture
3. They are resistant to pest attack
4. The lid prevents the entry of air into the feed.
5. Can be easily cleaned and maintained
6. They are suitable for commercial horse stable

Disadvantages of Metal Bin

The following are the disadvantages of the horse metal bin
1. They can be easily rust or corrode over time.
2. The cover can easily be managed if not properly handled
3. Metal bin has a smell which the horse may be sensitive to
4. They require skills to construct


Plastic Barrel or Bins

Horse Feed Storage
Horse Plastic Bin

These are storage structures or containers designed with polyethylene material for the storage of horse feed.

The plastic barrels or bins exist in various capacities and sizes innovatively constructed with covers to prevent contaminants.

Some of the plastic containers are mobile with tires attached to the base to aid the movement from one place to another.

Advantages of the Plastic Barrel or Bins

Some of the advantages of the plastic barrel or bin are:
1. They are resistant to rust and corrosive
2. They are resistant to moisture
3. Highly affordable
4. They can easily be moved from one location to another
5. The lid prevents the entry of air into the feed.
6. They Can be easily clean and maintain
7. They are suitable for small and commercial stables

Disadvantages of plastic barrel or bin

The following are the disadvantages of the horse plastic barrel or bin
1. They are not durable compared to the metal bin.
2. Exposure to the sun may weaken the plastic.
3. They can easily be damaged if not properly handled.

Wooden Bins or Chests

Hores Feed Storage
Wooden Bin

These are horse storage structures constructed with wooden material. The structure is construed with an opening and side leg to lift the devices from the ground level.

Advantages of the Wooden Bin or Chests

Some of the advantages of the Wooden bin or chests are:

  1.  They are Highly affordable compared to the metal bin
  2. They can easily be moved from one location to another
  3.  They Can be easily cleaned and maintain
  4. They are suitable for-it-yourself types of storage devices

Disadvantage of Wooden Bin or Chests 

The following are the disadvantages of the horse wooden bin or chests are

  1. They can easily absolve air  and moisture
  2. They are not durable compared to the metal bin
  3. Exposure to the sun may lead to wearing and tearing


Horse Feed Storage
Horse Feed Silos

This storage structure is constructed with galvanized iron steel used for feed storage. They are airtight devices considered best for storing feed for a long period.

Unlike the traditional silos, this type of storages devices exist in various capacities. There are portable silos and large silos. They are usually fixed to one location.

Advantages of the Silos

Some of the advantages of the Silos are:
1. They are highly resistant to rust and corrosive
2. They are resistant to moisture
3. They are very durable
4. They have airtight storage devices
5. They Can be easily clean and maintain
6. They are suitable for commercial stables

Disadvantages of Silos

The following are the disadvantage of the horse Silos

1. They are very expensive
2. They cannot be moved from one location to another
3. They require the use of electricity which may not be erratic
4. They require technical skill to construct.

Feed Room or Feed Storage Building

Horse Feed Storage
Horse Feed Room

These are temperature-constructed rooms dedicated to the storing of horse feed. They are constructed without windows but an entrance for the keeping and taking of feed.

They are constructed purposely for storing feed. They are also constructed in such a way that air cannot easily penetrate the room or the building.

Advantages of the Feed Room or Feed Storage Building

Some of the advantages of the Feed Room or Feed Storage building
1. They are highly resistant to rust and corrosive
2. They are resistant to moisture
3. They are very durable
4. They airtight storage devices but not as the silo
5. They can be easily clean
6. They are suitable for commercial stables

Disadvantages of Feed Room or Feed Storage Building

The following are the disadvantages of the Feed Room or Feed Storage building

1. They are Highly expensive but not as the silo
2. They cannot be moved from one location to another
3. Feed can easily attack pests such as borrowing rodents
4. Feed is prone to termite attack

Sealable Plastic Bags

Horse Feed Storage
Sealable Pastic Bags

These are airtight and moisture-proof bags constructed with polyethylene material for the storing of horse feed.

The bags come in different sizes and shapes for food storage. The horse plastic bags have a point designed for sealing up when the feed has been poured into the bags.

It is the best horse feed stage for transporting and working horses.

Advantages of the Sealable Plastic Bags

Some of the advantages of the Sealable plastic bags are:
1. They are very cheap
2. They are resistant to moisture 
3. They are airtight
4. They are suitable for working and transporting horse
5. They are very portable
6. They Can be easily clean
7. They are very suitable for commercial stables

Disadvantages of Sealable Plastic Bags

The following are the disadvantages of Sealable plastic bags

  1. They are very fragile
  2. they can easily attract  pest
  3.  They can easily attack pests such as rodents


Stackable Feed Buckets or Tubs

Horse Feed Storage
Stackable Feed Buckets or Tubs

These are buckets designed with polyethylene material (plastic) for the storing of horse feed. The stackable feed buckets come in various capacities for storing and transporting feed for horses.

This type of Stackable feed bucket or tub is sealed to prevent the feed from wasting.

Advantages of the Stackable Feed Bucket or Tubs

Some of the advantages of the Stackable feed buckets or tubs
1. They are very cheap
2. They are resistant to moisture
3. They are airtight plastic material
4. They are suitable for working and transporting horse
5. They are very portable
6. They Can be easily clean
7. They are very suitable for commercial stables

Disadvantages of Stackable feed buckets or tubs

The following are the disadvantages of Stackable feed buckets or tubs are

1. They are very fragile and easy to tear
2. Not suitable for long-term storage
3. they can easily be destroyed if not well handled.
4. It can easily attract pest

Refrigerator or Freezer Storage

Horse Feed Storage
Horse Feed Freezer

These are electronically operated farm storage designed for the storage of fresh horse feed. This types of cold storage devices have an adjustable point for adjusting temperature to required

Advantages of the Refrigerator or Freezer Storage

Some of the advantages of the Refrigerator or freezer storage are:
1. They are suitable for fresh storage
2. The temperature can adjusted to suit the needs of the user
3. They Can be easily clean
4. They are very suitable for commercial stables
5. They cannot be easily attracted to pest

Disadvantage of Refrigerator or freezer storage

The following are the disadvantage of Refrigerator or freezer storage are

1. They are not suitable for working and transporting horse
2. They are very expensive
3. They are electronically operated which may not be reliable

In conclusion

Improper feed storage in the equine farming business will lead to feed wastage, poor health, and waste of resources.

In light of the above, this article has unlocked the secret of feed horse freshness and vitality through the use of proper feed storage facilities and structures as discussed above. 

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