Goat Pasture Seed Mix: Meaning, Benefits, and More

Definition of Goat Pasture Seed Mix

Goat pasture seed mix refers to the mixture of different species of nutritious grasses and legume seed in the pasture to provide a balanced ration for goats.

The pasture grasses and legumes should be properly blended to create sustainable and palatable pastures for goats. 

The legume-grass combination in the pasture is absolutely important to create a good proportion of forage for the goat.

Goat is a voracious browser of palatable forage. Blended pasture with palatable forage helps to support the growth and productivity of the animal.

When establishing pasture, it is advisable to create a good mixture of grasses to legumes in a good ratio to give a balanced diet.

 Goat pasture seed mix helps to create a good blend of legume and grass seed for optimal goat consumption.

Legumes in the pasture help to increase the nitrogen content of the soil which is needed by pasture grasses for vigorous growth.  

Some grasses in the pasture also serve as good ground cover which helps to promote the organic matter content of the soil.

diverse seed mixture in the pasture will help to manage weeds effectively and help to create good pasture management strategies. 


Read Also: Goat Pasture Seed: Overview, Factors to Be Consider, And 15 Types of Goat Pasture Seed

Benefits of Goat Pasture Seed Mix.

The pasture seed mixture will help to create a nutrient-rich ration for goats. Some of the benefits of goat pasture seed mix are explained below.

  1. Supply high-quality nutrients: A well-established goat pasture seed mix will help to supply high-quality nutrients needed for optimal growth and development. The presence of nutritious legumes and grasses in good proportion will help to supply goats with the essential nutrients element needed for bodybuilding. The presence of leguminous forage such as Medicago sativa, Trifolium spp, stylosanthsis gracilis, and nutritious grasses like panicum maximum, Cynodon dactylon, and Axonopus compresus that contain a high proportion of protein, calcium, phosphorus, and carbohydrate will provide a balanced diet for the goat. These nutrients help to improve growth, proper bone and teeth formation, improve milk formation, and increase the weight of the animal.
  2. Improved Goat Health and Well-being: A nutrient-rich pasture mix can help to improve the health status of goats. These pasture grasses contain high-quality nutrition elements that can help fight nutrient-related diseases and deficiencies in goats. Nutrient-related diseases like Osteoporosis, anemia, hypokalemia, rickets, etc., can be corrected with the use of highly nutritious goat pasture seed mix.
  3. Reduce the Cost of Production: A good legume-grass combination can help reduce the cost of production and increase the farmers’ profits. Nutrient-rich pasture mix will boost goat’s immune system to resist the attack of pathogens. A healthy goat will reach market value than an unhealthy goat. Goats with high immune systems can fight against the attack of diseases and reduce the cost of disease management and control. Similarly Good goat pasture seed mix will help to supply essential nutrients to goats thereby reducing the cost of purchasing supplementary feeds for goats.
  4. Improve soil fertility: Nutrient-fixing forages such as Stylosanthese glacilis, Trifolium spp, Medicago sativa, and so on are good Nitrogen-fixing forages that can improve soil fertility. Nitrogen-fixing forages are also good ground cover that helps prevent the ultra-violent rays from reaching the ground surface thereby protecting vital soil organisms. Goat pasture seed mix with good ground cover such as Cynodon dactylon and Axonopus compressus can conserve the soil by preventing erosion.
  5. Improve soil structure: good ground cover pasture seed mix can help to improve the structure of the soil. Nutrient-rich pasture seed mix have been proven as a more reliable method of improving the structure of sandy soil and clay soil. The structure of the sandy and clay soil is poor to support the growth of vital economic crops, but the use of good ground cover grasses and legumes can help bind the soil particles together and create a favorable atmosphere for soil organizations like earthworm, centipede, millipede, scorpion and other microorganisms to cement the soil particles together thereby creating good soil structure.
  6. Effective Weed Management: Diverse seeds of goat pasture can suppress weeds thereby promoting sustainable weed management in the pasture. Blended goat pasture seeds such as Axonopus compresus, and Cynodon dactylon are used as base for ground cover in the pasture to suppress weeds. Weed-suppressing goat pasture legume seeds like, Mucuna pruriens, Medicago sativa, Calapogonium mucunoides, and Trifolium spp are also allelopathic that help to suppress weed in the pasture.
  7. Effective Pasture Management: A good goat blended seed mix can enrich the soil with nutrients, suppress weeds, and increase soil fertility. These pasture grasses help to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers use in increase soil fertility as well as reducing the use of toxic herbicides on the soil.

Cattle Pasture Seed: Overview, Classifications, Benefits  and 21 Types of Goad Pasture Seed

Types of Goat Pasture Seed Mix 

A good proportion of legume-to-grass mixture in the pasture is paramount.  The mixture of legume to grass in the pasture should be in the ratio of 60:40. This helps to enrich the pasture with the right nutrients required to provide a balanced diet for the growth and productivity of goats.

The legume grasses combination in the pasture is necessary for the overall performance of the goat.

Two types of goat pasture seeds should be properly mixed in the Pasture, they are grass pasture seed and legume pasture seed. some of the types of pasture seed mix according to natural seed are: 

 Goat Pasture Grass Seed


This type of goat pasture seed possesses high fiber and energy content. These energy grasses should the stocked in a pasture in good proportion to supply all the needed calories required by the goat for day-to-day activities.

The ratio of the grass to legume should be well considered. The grasses in the pasture should not be too much compared to the legume.  It is generally recommended that it should be 60% of grasses in the pasture.

Some common types of goat pasture grass seed that should be mixed with legume in the pasture are:

S/no Common name of grasses Botanical name grasses
1 Elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum
2 Guninea grass penicum maximum
3 Carpet grass Axonopus compresus
4 Barmuda grass cynodon dactylon
5 Gamba grass Andropogon gayanus
6 Rhodes grass Chloris gayana
7 Rhygrass Lolium multflorum
8 Signal Grass Brachiaria decumbens
9 Woolly Finger Grass Digitaria smutsii
10 Almond Blossom grass Giliricidia sepium
11 Carpet grass Axonopus compresus

Legume Goat Pasture Seed

These are protein, calcium, and phosphorus-rich forages. These types of goat pasture seeds are very palatable to goats.

The pasture land should not be stocked with too many legumes as they can easily suppress other grasses due to their vigorous and allelopathic nature.

These grasses are not only nutrient-rich forages, they are also nitrogen-fixing forages that can help to improve the structure of the soil. Examples of goat legume pasture seed that should be used in the establishment of pasture are:

S/no Common name of legumes Botanical name of legumes
1 Stylo  legume Stylosanthese glacilis
2 Centro legume Centrosema pubescens
3 Alfafa legume Medicago sativa
4 Clover legume Trifolium spp
6 Birdsfoot trefoil   Lotus corniculatus
7 Tropical Kudzu legume grass Pueraria phaseoloides
8 Mucuna legume grass Calapogonium mucunoides, Mucuna pruriens

Methods of Propagating Goat Pasture Grass Seed 

The following are the methods of propagating goat pasture seeds

S/no The Common name of Grasses Botanical name of Grasses Methods of propagation of goat pasture mix
1 Elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum Seed, stem, and stolon
2 Guninea grass penicum maximum Seed and root stolon
3 Carpet grass Axonopus compresus Rhizomes & seed
4 Barmuda grass Cynodon dactylon Rhizomes & seed
5 Gamba grass Andropogon gayanus Stolon root & seed
6 Rhodes grass Chloris gayana Stolon root & seed
7 Rhygrass Lolium multflorum  seed
8 Signal Grass Brachiaria decumbens Stolon root & seed
9 Woolly Finger Grass Digitaria smutsii seed

The Methods of Propagating Goat Pasture Legume Seed 

The following are the methods of propagating goat pasture mix

S/no The common name of Legume Seed Mix Botanical name of Legume Seed Mix Methods of Propagation of Goat Legume Seed Mix
1 Stylo  grass Stylosanthese glacilis. seeds
2 Centro grass Centrosema pubescens. seeds
3 Alfafa legume Medicago sativa seeds
4 Clover legume Trifolium spp seeds
6 Birdsfoot trefoil grass Lotus corniculatus seeds
8 Tropical Kudzu legume Pueraria phaseoloides seeds
9 Mucuna legume Calapogonium mucunoides, Mucuna pruriens seeds

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Factors to be Considered in the Selection of Goat Pasture Seed Mix

The selection of nutrient-rich goat pasture seed is crucial for the establishment of good-quality forages.

A good nutrient-rich goat pasture will help increase palatability, soil fertility, and encourage effective pasture management.

The following factors should be considered when blending goat pasture.

  1. Nutritional Factor High nutrient-rich pasture seed will help goats resist parasite and disease attacks, reduce the cost of production, and increase growth and productivity. The choice of a good combination of grasses and legumes should be highly considered in the establishment of a goat pasture. Poorly mixed goat pasture will lead to nutrient deficiency. This may increase the cost of production, as more money will be spent by the rancher or farmers in the control of disease, application of fertilizers, and the purchases of supplementary feeds. The seeds to be blended should have high nutrient content for good growth and productivity.   
  2. Palatability: The level of sweetness of forages to be combined in the pasture should be considered in choosing a good quality goat pasture seed mix. The sweetness of forages increases the goat’s feeding ability which in turn results in weight gain in the goat. The legume-grass mixture of seeds selected for establishment should be palatable to the animals. Emphasis should also be placed on succulents and sweetness as these increase the palatability of pasture.
  3. Climate Adaptability: Temperature, rainfall, and relative humidity should be taken into consideration in the selection of goat pasture seed mix. The combination of grasses and legume pasture seeds that are to be blended should possess the ability to adapt to certain prevailing climatic conditions.  The farmers should blend forages that can adapt to high and low temperatures, rainfall, and relative humidity. Examples of grasses and legumes that can adapt to high climatic factors are Penicum maximum, Axonopus compresus and mucuna puriens. They are good climate-friendly tolerant pasture seeds.
  4. Soil condition: Although forages can tolerate high levels of poor soil, the soil condition should be considered in the establishment of pasture. Soil conditions such as the soil pH, fertilities, and type of soil should also be considered in the establishment of goat pasture seed mix. This type of pasture to establish is not a natural pasture where the seed thrives on its own. Artificial pasture or man-made pasture require good management to survive. Soil testing should be done to ascertain the nature of the acidity and alkalinity of the soil. Low acidity and alkalinity should considered for the establishment of a good goat pasture seed mix.
  5. Growth Rate: the pasture seed to be combined should be such that possesses good growth rates. Forages with fast and vigorous growth should be selected for the establishment of pasture. Fast-growth goat pasture seeds with the ability to rejuvenate or regenerate quickly should be selected.
  6. Resistant to Trampling: The Goat pasture seed selected should be able to tolerate trampling. Frequent grazing in the pasture may lead to the death of forages. Legumes in the pasture can be easily demanded due to the pointed hoof that can damage pasture forages. The goat pasture seed mix selected should be able to withstand trampling. Forages such Axonopus compresus, cynodon dactylon, etc have a strong ability to withstand trampling. Trampling-resistant forage helps to reduce forage depletion. 
  7. Weed Suppressing Ability: The forage seed to be mixed, should have good weed-suppressing ability.  Forages such as Medicago sativa, Trifolium spp, mucuna puriens, axonopus scompresus, and cynodon dactylon can help to suppress weeds and therefore help in the effective weed management in the pasture. Goat pasture seed mix should be collectively selected to create an optimum forage environment for effective goat grazing.  The pasture seed selected for the establishment of the pasture should be able to grow fast and vigorously to suppress weeds in the pasture. Unwanted and harmful weeds like Tridax procumbens, Ageratum conyzoides and others can be suppressed and smoother.


Frequently Ask Questions

What is goat winter pasture mix?

Goat winter pasture mix refers to the mixture of different species of nutritious grasses and legumes in the pasture that can withstand extreme cold periods of the year, and still provide a balanced diet for goats.

Examples of goat winter pasture mix are cynodom dactylon, axonopus compresus, Pennisetum purpureum, Chloris gayana (grasses) and medicago sativa, Trifolium spp, stylosanthsis gracilis (legume)

What is the best pasture seed mix for Goat?

A Good proportion of goat pasture seed mix in pasture should be in the ratio of 60:40. This will help provide a balanced diet for the growth and productivity of the goat.

The legume–grass ratio in the pasture is good for the overall performance of the goat.

Some of the best pasture seed mix for goat are Axonopus compresus, cynodon dactylon, penicum maximum, Pennisetum purpureum,etc., (grasses) and Medicago sativa, Stylosanthese glacilis, Trifolium spp and Mucuna pruriens (legumes)

What are the best pasture seeds for Goat?

These types of goat pasture seed possess high fibers, and energy contents that the goat needs for day-to-day activities.

Some of the best goat pasture seeds are the seed of Axonopus compresus, cynodon dactylon, penicum maximum, Pennisetum purpureum, Lolium multflorum, Andropogon gayanus, Chloris gayana, and so on.

Can goats graze all day?

Goats do not graze all day, they usually browse for about 7 – 12 a day and rest and regurgitate ( bring back the food for the rumen for proper chewing) for the rest 12 hours.

Goats do not have proper sleeping time like the other animals, this account why goats always chew the chud anytime you visit the pen.

Can goats eat too much grass?

Goats do not eat too much grass, they have large rumen (the first stomach chamber) for the storage of feed while grazing, when the rumen is filled, they will go for regurgitation (the process of vomiting back the feed from the rumen back to the mouth for proper chewing) when they have empty the rumen they go back to grazing again.

This accounts for the reason goats graze for about 7-12 a day.

How much can a goat graze?

Goat feed cannot be measured like other animals, they graze continually for hours, and when the rumen are filled, they will go for regurgitation (the process of vomiting the feed from the rumen back to the mouth for proper chewing) when they have empty the rumen they go back to grazing again.

This accounts for the reason goats graze for about 7-12 a day.

How do you know when a goat is starving?

Whenever goats are starving or hungry they will start  “bleating”, which is the sound usually made by goats.

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