Goat Pasture Seed: Overview, Factors to Be Consider, And 15 Types of Goat Pasture Seed

Goat Pasture Seed: Overview, Factors to Be Consider, And 15 Types of Goat Pasture Seed



Goats are ruminant animals with four stomach compartments that can digest forages. Goat drives pleasure in feeding on forage grasses as they serve as a good source of fiber, energy, and proteins. Goats are highly inquisitive animals, so rearing them in an intensive system is the best practice for goat farming. 

Goats can be rear in ranch, semi-intensive, and intensive methods. Whatever methods are used in goat rearing, there must be provision for forages for the feeding goat. The types of grasses for feeding goat is not different from that which is used in feeding cattle.

Whatever methods are used in the feeding of goats, the farmers must make provision for pasture or rangeland for harvesting forages so as to feed the goats. These forages can harvested naturally from the wild or from the artificial pasture or rangeland.

In developing countries, where there is an abundance of land, pasture is harvested naturally from the wild while in developed countries, pastures are harvested from artificial pastures which are specifically planted, nurtured, and harvested for feeding goats.

These pasture grasses get to a threshold level where they flower, and produce seeds, these seeds are therefore harvested and stored for future uses. 

Goat pasture seeds refer to the seeds of pasture grass varieties that are planted and harvested for the regeneration and cultivation of pasture.

The goat pasture seeds are often difficult to harvest due to their tiny nature, hence care must be taken in the harvesting and storage of goat pasture seed.


Read Also: Horse Pasture Grass Seeds: Overview, Characteristics, And 12 Types of Horse Pasture Grass Seeds.

Factors to Be Consider In the Selection of Pasture Seed

The selection of pasture seed is very important for the overall performance of the pasture grasses. Therefore, the following factors must be considered in the choice of good pasture seed.

Nutritional Value

A good goat pasture seed should be able to meet the nutritional value of the goat. Grasses and legumes in the pasture have different nutritional values, so a careful selection of pasture seeds will increase the nutritional value of the pasture.

The farmers should be able to select good legume seeds, and grass seeds in the right proportion so as to increase the nutritional value of the pasture. Goat pasture grass seeds are rich in fibers and energy while legume seeds are rich in protein, therefore a good section of pasture seed is necessary for growth and reproduction.


A good pasture seed must be palatable to the animals. Goats prefer forage that is very palatable in the pasture. Goats unlike other ruminant animals are very selective in their choice of forage, and their feeding habits are determined by the nature of the sweetness of the forage.

In cultivating goat pasture, the farmer must demand for the seeds of pasture that are palatable. Palatability will influence the rate and quality of goat feeding.

Adaptability to Climatic Conditions

Climatic factors such as temperature, wind, rainfall, and relative humidity have an influence on goat pasture seeds. Too high and low temperature is not favorable for goat pasture seeds.

 A high temperature above the pasture seed requirement will scratch the seed while too low temperature will inhibit the germinating ability of the goat pasture seeds.

More so, high and low rainfall is not good for goat pasture seed. Based on the above criteria, the farmer must be able to select good seeds.

 Adaptability to Soil Condition

This is another factor to be considered in the choice of goat pasture seed, the nature of the soil have various effect on the goat pasture seed.

The soil conditions determine the growth and productivity of goat pasture seed. High acidic and alkaline soil is not recommended for the cultivation of goat pasture seeds.  The soil that is slightly acidic and slightly alkaline should be recommended for the planting of goat pasture seed.

The nature of the soil should also be considered, the land that is flat should be chosen as goat pasture. undulating and sloppy topography should not be chosen, the sloping and undulating topography will wash away the soil nutrients and bury goat pasture seed deeply in the soil thereby preventing germination.

 Growth Potential

 Goats are good browsers of forages and have the ability to graze on a large area of land, therefore the goat pasture seed selected should have a good growth ability so as to rejuvenate frequently to satisfy the need of the goats.

Seeds that are dull in appearance should not be selected. The farmers should endeavor to select seeds that are shiny in appearance.  Shinny seeds have the ability to germinate and grow rapidly. The pasture seed selected should be able to survive at all times, either in the dry season, rainy season, winter, or summer.

Resistant to Trampling

The forage seed selected should be able to withstand trampling, and the pasture seeds selected should have the ability to withstand long-time grazing of goats.

As the goats frequently browse on the pasture there are tendency to trample on forage which may lead to their destruction especially leguminous forages that creep on the ground surface.

If seeds are resistant to trampling it will reduce the frequency of reseeding the pasture which will ensure a constant supply of forage.

Weed Competition

Weed is a serious problem in the pasture, especially in a newly established pasture. The seed selected should be that which can compete effectively with weeds.

Weeds compete with pasture seeds for water, air, nutrients, and space, based on this, the pasture selected should be able to compete effectively with weeds.

Pasture weeds that are allelopathy (i.e. have the ability to secrete a substance that can kill other weeds) should be selected, this will reduce the frequent uses of selective herbicide and manual weeding on the pasture.


Importance of Selecting Good Quality Goat Pasture Seed

The importance of selecting good quality pasture seed for pasture establishment cannot be overemphasized. Some of the benefits of good quality pasture seed to the animal, farmers, and the pasture are stated as follows.

  1. Increased Growth and Productivity: Good quality goat pasture seed helps to increase animal growth and productivity. a good mixture of high-quality grasses and legume help increase the palatability of forage thereby leading to improved weight gain, energy, and reproduction among goats. Leguminous forages such Medicago sativa, stylosanthese glacialis, Trifolium spp, and so on are highly proteinous to goats with the ability to improve the growth and repair of worn-out tissues in animals’ thereby leading to overall growth performance in goats.
  2. Improved Animal Health: high-quality pasture seeds help to supply goats with the daily nutrients required for day-to-day activities. Goats are very assertive and inquisitive animals that require highly quality nutrients for good health. Good goat pasture seeds mixed with grass and legumes are good choices for a healthy pasture. Some of these grasses and legumes have medicinal properties which are beneficial to goats e.g. the pennisetum purpureum, Mucuma puriens are highly medicinal for the health status of the goats which helps to reduce the cost of purchasing medication for the goat.
  3. Reduce Cost of Production: highly quality goat pasture seeds have the ability to boost goats’ immune system to resist the attack of pests and diseases and increase weight gain and reproduction which help to reduce the cost of consulting a veterinarian and medication for goats. More so, good quality pasture seeds also help to reduce the cost of purchasing supplementary feeds for goats. The presence of legumes in the pasture will help to enrich the soil with nitrogen which is needed by goat pasture seed for vigorous growth, thereby reducing the cost of purchasing inorganic fertilizers.
  4. Increase Soil Fertility: The presence of high-quality legumes in the pasture such as Mucuma puriens, Stylosanthese glacialis, Centrosema pubescens can help increase soil fertility by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen in the soil. Pasture grasses like Pennisetum Purpureum, Penicum Maximum, cynodon dactylon, and so on can help increase the organic matter content of the soil. More so creeping grasses such Cynodon dactylon and Axonopus compressus can help conserve soil by serving as a good pasture ground cover which helps to prevent soil erosion.
  5. Proper land utilization: High-quality seeded pasture helps to put land to maximum use. Land that is considered not good for the cultivation of food crops can be converted into goat pasture which will reduce the cost of buying or sourcing for supplementary feeds.
  6. Help to Balance the ecosystem: in the pasture, there are different species of grasses, small animals, and microorganisms living and interacting together in the pasture therefore creating a balanced ecosystem. A good management pasture serves as a home for endangered species of grasses and small animals.


Types of Goat Pasture Seed

there are basically two classes of  goat pasture seed, they are

  1. Goat pasture grass seeds
  2. legumes pasture seeds

 Goat Pasture Grass Seed

Grasses are good sources of energy for goats, therefore the pasture should be stocked with a reasonable quantity of grass on the farm.  Some of the common goat pasture grass seeds that should be considered in the establishment of pasture seed are:

S/No Common name Botanical name
1 Elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum
2 Guinea grass Penicum maximum
3 Carpet grass Axonopus compresus
4 Bermuda grass cynodon dactylon
5 Gamba grass Andropogon gayanus
6 Rhodes grass Chloris gayana
7 Rhygrass Lolium multflorum


Legume Goat Pasture Seed

The goat pasture should be stocked with a reasonable quantity of legumes, the farmers should be able to select varieties that are choose varieties with good taste and succulent.

Legumes are a good source of protein and have the ability to fix nitrogen in the soil.  Some of the common legume seeds that should be considered in the establishment of pasture seeds are:

S/no Common name Botanical name
1 Stylo grass Stylosanthese glacilis
2 Centro grass Centrosema pubescens
3 Alfafa grass Medicago sativa
4 Clover grass Trifolium spp
6 Birdsfoot trefoil Lotus corniculatus
7 Vetch grass Vicia spp
8 Tropical Kudzu Pueraria phaseoloides
9 Mucuna grass Calapogonium mucunoides


Methods of Propagation of Goat Pasture Grass Seed

The following are the methods of propagation of goat pasture grass seed

S/no Common name Botanical name Methods of Propagation
1 Elephant grass Pennisetum purpureum Stolon, stem, and seed
2 Guinea grass Penicum maximum Seed and stolon
3 Carpet grass Axonopus compresus rhizomes
4 Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon rhizomes
5 Gamba grass Andropogon gayanus Stolon root
6 Rhodes grass Chloris gayana Stolon root
7 Rhygrass Lolium multflorum Stolon root


Methods of Propagation of Goat Pasture Legume Seed

The following are the methods of propagation of goat pasture grass seed


S/no Common name Botanical name Methods of Propagation
1 Stylo grass Stylosanthese glacilis seed
2 Centro grass Centrosema pubescens seed
3 Alfafa grass Medicago sativa seed
4 Clover grass Trifolium spp seed
6 Birdsfoot trefoil Lotus corniculatus seed
7 Vetch grass Vicia spp seed
8 Tropical Kudzu Pueraria phaseoloides seed
9 Mucuna grass Calapogonium mucunoides seed


Techniques for Establishing Goat Pasture Seed


When establishing goat pasture seed, care must be taken in the selection of the seed as well as the cultivation. Some of the techniques to be considered in establishing goat pasture seed are:

Land Preparation

The land for the cultivation of goat pasture seeds must be well prepared before sowing the seed. The land should clear, stumped, plough, and harrow.

Care should be taken not to harrow the soil into too fine tilth, so that runoff will not bury the goat pasture seed too deep and the land prepared should not be waterlogged to prevent germination.

When preparing the land for goat pasture, stone and logs of wood should be removed from the pasture.  Land preparation is very necessary to prevent the early growth of weeds.

Seed Selection

The seed for goat pasture should be shiny in appearance, seeds with dull and damaged appearance should not be selected.

The farmer should be able to select a good seed mix (i.e. mixture of legumes and grasses) probably in the ratio of 60:40 will be considered appropriate for goat pasture cultivation.

The purpose of legumes in the field is to improve palatability, growth, and productivity among the goats. The goat pasture seed selected should be based on the climate, soil factors, and nutritional value of the seed.

Seed Rate and Methods

There are no recommended seed rates for goat pasture seeds except for those that are propagated by stolon or rhizomes. The seeds are propagated by broadcasting them evenly in the field.

Care should be taken in broadcasting the seed, so as not to be carried away by the wind, it is usually advisable to mix the seed with a small quantity of wet soil to avoid being blown away by the wind. When planting ensure that there is a good seed to soil cover to avoid reseeding.

Time of Planting

Generally planting should be done during the rainy season (wet season). But since there are different varieties based on season, which is warm season and cool season goat pasture seed.

For dry (warm) season goat pasture seed, planting or sowing should be done during the spring or early summer while rainy or cool season goat pasture seeds should be cultivated at the end of the summer.

Fertilizer Application

The good mixture of legumes may not require fertilizer application as the presence of legumes such as Mucuma puriens, Stylosanthese glacialis, Centrosema pubescens, and Medicago sativa to fix nitrogen in the soil which is needed for pasture growth and productivity.

Other grasses in the pasture such as pennisetum purpurium, penicum maximum, and axonopus compresus can help add organic matter to soil as well as conserve the soil. If goat pasture grasses are showing hidden hunger, it is therefore necessary to carry out soil testing to determine if nutrients are lacking in the soil.

Watering / Irrigation

The goat pasture seed should be watered or irrigated regularly at the first stage of establishment until the pasture has been well developed to survive.

Irrigation can be done either through surface or sub-surface irrigation. The watering or irrigation of goat pasture seeds should be done twice a day i.e. morning and evening.

Weed Control

In a well-prepared land, weeding May not be necessary in the first few months after sowing. The pasture should be inspected regularly for weeds because weeds are very dangerous for the pasture as they compete together for nutrients, space, and water.

Weeding can be done by the use of herbicides, and mechanical and cultural methods. Pre-emergence herbicide can be used before planting while systemic herbicide which is selective can be used only for broad leave that is if broad leave forages are not planted on the pasture.  

Cultural methods of weed control such as hand pulling can also be used in weed control while mowing can used to encourage regeneration.


Grazing Management


Grazing of goat pasture should be done when the pasture has attained a height of 60 to 80cm at this time the pasture has well-established and well-developed roots to withstand grazing. The following grazing practices should be adopted for optimum performance.

Rotational Grazing

This is the system of pasture management where a pasture is divided into several portions and goats are allowed to graze in one portion at a time.

This management practice is adopted to control the grazing rate of goats in the pasture. The pasture should be divided into paddocks with a fence or barricade to restrict the animal from trespassing.

The whole pasture can be divided into four portions and goats are allowed to graze on one portion per time.

Control Stocking

This is a system of grazing management where the right of goats are stocked on the pasture. Every pasture has its carrying capacity above which is dangerous for the pasture as this may lead to overgrazing.

The farmers should calculate the area of the pasture with the number of animals to determine the carrying capacity of the field.

In conclusion

Goat pasture seed is usually required by the farmers for future cultivation, the farmers must consider the soil and climate conditions, palatability, and nutritional value of the pasture seed.  The types of pasture seeds are also very important in the choice of pasture seed.


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