54 Fish Farming Equipment and Tools, Description and Their Uses

Meaning of Fish Farming Equipment

Fish farming equipment refers to the different types of tools or devices used for culturing, harvesting, and processing fish. The establishment of fish farming remains one of the most crucial aspects of the fish farming industry. 

Poor pond establishment and management will constitute serious challenges on the fish farm. From site selection to harvesting, certain tools and equipment are paramount for the adequate performance of fish and other aquatic animals on the farm.

Different operations in the fish farm require various equipment and tools such as stocking, hatching, vaccination, feeding, processing, and marketing fish and other aquaculture. Each of these requires the use of special tools and equipment for effective and efficient production of fish.  

Tools and Equipment are crucial in fish farming as they aid in establishing ponds, handling, feeding, caring, and maintaining fish ponds. 

Aquacultural equipment and tools vary significantly depending on the management, size of the fish pond/ farm, and types of fish reared. These equipment may be outdoor or indoor fish farming equipment.

Fish farming equipment used in the fishery industrious include nets, fish baskets, hooks and lines, cages, Secchi discs, Weighing balances, pliers,  salinometer (hydrometer), Boat, spears, drying racks vats, drums, shovels, hypodermic syringes, (Vaccination Equipment), refrigerator, knife, knapsack sprayer, hammers, rake, lantern, etc.

These equipment and tools are classified into pond measurement tools and digging tools, hatchery tools, processing and preservation equipment, feeding equipment, vaccinating equipment, and marketing equipment

These equipment are very affordable, durable, and can be fabricated locally to help fish farmers attain and achieve their fish farming objectives.

Fish Farming Equipment and Their Uses

The equipment used in fish farming industries will be discussed in the following classes.

Pond Measurement, Digging, and Construction Tools

These are used for marking, measuring, digging, and constructing fish ponds. They are very vital in the fish farming industries, and all activities leading to the take-off of farming begin with them.

They are usually conventional agricultural tools or simple farm tools. These types of tools and equipment include excavators, tree pullers, bulldozers, spades, measuring taps, shovels, ropes, pegs, hand trowels, hammers, screwdrivers, and cutlasses. 

Pond Measurement, Digging, and Construction Tools and Their Uses

The types of pond measurement, digging, and construction equipment, and their uses are

S/noPond measurement, Digging, and construction equipmentUses
1ExcavatorIt is excellent equipment for digging an earthen pond
2Tree pullerIt is suitable for pulling and stumping under bench trees during pond sitting and construction.
3Bulldozervery appropriate for removing bushes, leveling, and unearthing an earthen pond
4Measuring tapIt is used for measuring the length, breadth, and depth of fish pond
5SpadeIt is used for digging, mixing, and packing mortar during pond construction
6ShovelIt is used for packing sand from ponds or fixing concrete
7RopeIt is used for marking straight lines during pond concretion.
8PegIt is most appropriate for pegging during pond construction
9Hand trowelIt is used for arranging and smoothening mortar during concrete pond construction
10HammerIt is used for nailing tarpaulin to wood for tarpaulin pond
11ScrewdriverIt is used for screwing nuts and bolts when fixing water, light fittings on ponds
12TarpaulinIt is used for the construction of a tarpaulin pond
13CutlassIt is used for clearing and cutting tarpaulin and other wooden materials

Fish Hatchery Tools and Equipment

These are fish farming equipment used for brooding and hatching brood stock. This equipment is directed to achieve the spawning of fish. The equipment used in spawning fish should be well maintained and disinfected because dirty equipment may lead to fungi attacks on fry or fingering.

Good quality equipment should be used in hatching fish, as this equipment has an impact on the growth of fish. Examples of fish hatchery tools and equipment in fish farming are bed hatchery trout, recirculating drum, egg hatching jar, egg incubator, wide bow, kakaban (spongy nets), razor blade or surgical knife, hydro dermic syringe, clean rag or cloth, hand glove, fingering seine

Fish Hatchery Equipment and their Uses

The fish hatchery equipment and their uses are

S/noFish Hatchery EquipmentUses
1Bed hatchery troutIt is a pond used for growing and raising fingerlings immediately after spawning.
2Recirculating drum or bowIt is an advanced pond for growing and raising fingerlings immediately after spawning
3Wide bowSuitable for housing broods tock temporarily before hatching fish, and for transporting fingering or fry pond.
4Egg hatching jarSuitable for housing broodstock, temporarily used for hatching fish, and for transporting fingering to the fingerling or fry pond.
5Kakaban (spongy nets)It is used for collecting fertilized fish eggs, preventing fertilized eggs from sinking in the jar, avenues for hatching fertilized eggs, and serving as a natural ecosystem for fry to habits
6Razor blade or surgical knifeFor tearing or cutting the broodstock stomach to remove fertilized egg
7Hydro dermic syringeExcellent for injecting the pituitary gland into the broodstock
8Clean rag or clothUse for holding the fish egg for injecting the pituitary gland
9Hand gloveExcellent for protecting the hand from coming into contact with the broodstock and other uses on the farm
10Ovaprim or pituitary hormoneIt is a synthetic hormone used to induce brood stock for hatching.

Water Screening, Monitoring and Control Equipment

These are equipment used to screen, monitor, and control water quality for the optimal performance of fish. The soil or water PH level, salinity (salt content of the pond), and water quality are paramount to the survival of fish.

Water with high levels of acidity, and salinity are not good for fish rearing and management. Certain instruments or equipment are available for screening, monitoring, and control of the quality of water in the pond.

Water Screening, Monitoring, and Control Equipment and their Uses 

Water Screening, Monitoring, and control equipment their uses are

S/noWater Screening, Monitoring and Control Equipment  Uses
1Ph scale or indicatorSuitable for determining the level of acidity or alkalinity of the pond water.
2thermometerExcellent for determining the degree of hotness and coldness of the pond water.
3Secchi disc Most appropriate for determining the degree of pond turbidity  (i.e. transparency)
4Refractometerssuitable for estimating the water content of a pond (i.e.  the mixture of substances in the pond water)
5HydrometerUseful for ascertaining the level of characteristics of water  in terms of their relative density or specific gravity (weight per unit volume)
6 Pumping machineExcellent for pumping water from the soil to the water tank for the circulation of fresh water on the farm
7Oxygen aerator Excellent for aerating ponds (i.e. supplying oxygen to the pond water).

Harvesting Equipment

These are tools designed to harvest fish from the artificial pond or the wild. Harvesting fish is one of the enjoyable moments of the fish farming business because harvesting fish is the crux of fish farming.

These tools can be locally fabricated or imported.  Harvesting equipment includes boats, gill nets, traps and hook and lines, Hooks, Fishing rods, Fishing reels, Fishing bait, spears, Bite indicators, seine nets, scoop nets, and baskets.

Fish Hatchery Equipment and their Uses

some of the fish hatchery equipment and their Uses are

S/noFish Harvesting EquipmentUses
1BoatsThe boats are used to carry harvested fish on the pond or in the wild.
2Gill nets It is a long rectangular nylon net designed of various sizes and shapes that are used for harvesting fish of various sizes in the wild.
3TrapsThese baskets are made of stick wood, raffia palm, or nylon stride tied together which are used for catching fish in the pond.
4Hook and linesThis is a long nylon stride tied together with a floater and is used for catching fish on the pond.
5HookThe hook is a metal rod tied to a stick but without a floater for catching fish in the pond
6Fishing rodsIt is a lengthy, slim rod design for catching fish in the wide or pond
7Fishing reelsexcellent for casting nets and mending fishing nets.
8Fishing baitThe fish bait is usually added to the hook so as to facilitate fish-catching
9SpearThe spear is made of different slim rods with sharp edges used for catching fish by piercing.
10Seine netsA seine net is a very long and wide net like a bag used on the boat for catching fish.
11BasketsIt is used for scooping ponds so as to catch fish.
12cutlassexcellent for cutting fish, sticks, and mending fishing nets.

Fish Preservation and Storage Equipment

These tools are designed to keep harvested fish from spoilage or attack by microorganisms. Unpreserved fishes can easily infested by microorganisms, and rotten.

They are used to keep fish safe after harvesting. Fish Container, Fish holds, fish boxes, canning, freezing, smoking, and pickling, heating kiln, freezing, Fish container, cutting machine, Skinning machines, Scaling machines, heat treating machine, defrosting machine

Fish preservation and storage Equipment and their Uses

Fish preservation and storage equipment includes

S/noFish preservation and storage equipment  Uses
1Fish ContainerIt is suitable for transporting chilled fish and other aquatic fishes.
2Fish holdsAppropriate for storing and transporting fish on a large scale
3Fish boxAppropriate for transporting and supplying fishes
4Skinning machinesExcellent machine for removing skins from fishes
5Scaling machinesIt is used for skinning, and descaling fishes
6Heat treating machineSuitable for heating, drying, smoking, cooking, and baking of fishes
7Defrosting machineExcellent for defrosting frozen or blocked fishes  
8Cutting machineExcellent for frozen fish and other aquatic animals.
9KnifeIt is used for cutting, skinning, and descaling fishes
10Smoking kilnappropriate for drying harvested fish through smoking
11Canning machinesuitable for canning fish, and other aquatic animals.
12Freezing machine (refrigerator)Excellent for frozen fish and other aquatic animals.

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