20 Farm Tools and their Uses

Introduction to Farm Tools 

Farm tools are small hand-operated equipment that are manually used in performing farming operations. These tools play crucial roles in ensuring the success of farming activities.

The availability of farm tools in the farm, makes work effective and efficient. Farm tools used on the farm are Cutlass, Spades/shovels, Secateurs, Shears, Watering cans, Garden forks/ hand forks, Wheelbarrow, Tapping knives, Axe, Go-to-hell, Head pans, Budding knives, and more.

These tools are used for Clearing, cutting, weeding, transplanting, propagation, transportation, spraying, loosening, transporting, tightening, watering, repairing, and servicing farm machines.

Additionally, different types of farm tools are available in agriculture for carrying out several activities, some are used for cultivating crops on the farm, cleaning, and feeding farm animals such as poultry birds, pigs, cattle, goats, sheep, and so on.

  The popularity of these tools in agriculture over the years is because they do not require special technology or know-how to operate.

They can be used by any person without formal or rigorous training to gain mastery of their uses.

In developing countries where electricity is barely used on the farm, this tool has remained indelible tools in the hands of small, medium, and large-scale farmers in performing various farming tasks because they do not need any specialized sources of power to operate and they are always available on the farm whenever they are needed.

The term farm tools and farm implements are often used interchangeably by some people in some quarters. But these two terms mean different things entirely in agriculture, farm tools are hand tools or light tools used by farmers for carrying out farming activities while farm implements are devices that are attached or connected to a farm machine to perform specific agricultural activities.

Farm Tools and Their Uses

The farm tools used in agriculture are classified into cutting, digging, carrying tools, gathering, irrigation/ watering, tapping, loosening, tightening, digging, and cutting tools.

These tools are used for different operations on the farm and have remained vital in food production. 

 Some of the the 20 farm tools and their uses as enumerated by the West Africa Examination Council are:

The Cutlass

 A cutlass has a long and flat metal blade that is pointed at the end, the cutlass is a two-edged metal blade farm tool, one edge of the metal blade is blunt while the edge is shaped for deep and quick cutting.

The handle of these farm tools is short and could either be rubber, ceramic, or wood. The handle usually has three small holes, where the nut is fixed to hold the handle materials from falling off and to aid better handling.

Uses of Cutlass

The uses/functions of the cutlass are:

  1. You can use the cutlass for cutting.
  2. it serves as a tool for pruning vegetative parts of plants like cocoa, rubber, and oil palm.
  3. The cutlass is used for clearing thick bushes or vegetation before planting.
  4. Cutlass is used For cutting wood on the farm
  5. The cutlass is also used for transplanting minor seedlings on the field
  6. It serves as a tool for slight weeding on the farm.
  7. You can also use the cutlass for minor agronomics practices like harvesting crops like cassava, yam, etc.
  8. It is an excellent tool for minor digging.

2  Hoe

A  Hoe has a long wooden or metal handle of various sizes and shapes. It has a metal blade that is manually fabricated.

The metal blade is either rectangular, triangular, or conical in shape. The metal blade has a long point edge which makes attaching to the handle possible or attached to the metal handle with the means of electric welding or gas welding.  The metal edge is shaped for weeding. 

Uses / Functions of the Hoe

The uses of this farm tool in agriculture are:

  1. The Hoe is used mainly for weeding on the farm
  2. It is suitable for making ridges, mounds, seed beds, or heaps for planting crops
  3. The hoe is very appropriate for planting or sowing seed.
  4. It is an excellent tool for tilling, loosening, or turning soil of various types.
  5. The hoe can also be used for harvesting crops such as groundnut, Bambara nuts, and potatoes.
  6. It is used for digging holes on the farm.

3 Sickle

A sickle is a hook-like shape with a long or short handle which could be a metal or wooden handle.  This metal blade farm tool has a curved blade. 

The sickle has two curved metal blades, the edge that curves inside is usually sharpened for easy cutting while the other edge of the metal blade is blunt.

The handle of the sickle is short and made of either rubber, ceramic, or wood. The blade has three holes where nuts are used to fasten the metal edge to the handle.

Uses / Function of the Sickle

The usefulness of the sickle in the agricultural industries are:

  1. You can use the sickle for harvesting cereal crops such as rice, beniseed plants
  2. It can also be used for cutting forage grasses for livestock
  3. The hook-like farm tool is suitable for slight weeding.
  4. It can also be used for plucking fruit such as cocoa, mangoes

4  Spade/shovel

A spade has a long handle which could be metal or wooden, the wooden or metal handle is attached to a metallic blade. The blade could be rectangular and flat.

The side of the blade that is used in digging is very sharp. The hand is widened at the end to form a D shade, providing an avenue for firm handling.

Uses/function of the Shade

The importance of the spades in farming are:

  1. The spade is suitable for turning and mixing soil
  2. You can use it for digging and leveling the soil
  3. It is an excellent tool for making mounds, ridges, or seed beds.
  4. The spade is also suitable for missing mixing cement for the construction of farm structures and building
  5. You can use the spade for digging trenches.
  6. It is used for harvesting crops
  7. It is for light weeding

5 Spanner

A spanner is made of metal which is usually steel.  The handle is made of flattened metallic parts that are firmly heard. The spanner has two open-end sides of different shapes.

This different shape enables the spanner to fit into the heads of the nuts. The spanner can be used to loosen the farm machine nuts when turned clockwise and tighten the machine when the bolts are anti-clockwise.  

There are different types of spanners used in loosening and tightening form machines.

Uses/ function of the Spanner

The following are the uses of the spanner in the agricultural industries:

  1. the spanner is used for loosening nuts and bolts of farm machines 
  2. It is also used to tighten the nuts and bolts of farm machines and implements.

6 Secateurs

A secateur is a small farm tool in the form of scissors. The tools consist of two short metal blades. One of the blades is a concave curve and the other is a convex curve.

The tool is jointed at the pivot point and possesses two short wooden handles and a spring between the handles.

Uses/ function of the Secateurs

The importance of the secateurs in the farm are:

  1. The Secateur is mostly used for pruning of flowers.
  2. You can use the secateurs for cutting flowers and other ornamental plants.
  3. It is used for minor harvesting plants on the farm
  4. It is an excellent tool for minor cutting on the farm.

7  Axe

An axe has a long wooden or metal handle of various sizes and shapes. It has a thick metal blade which could be wide or narrow.

The metal blade has an opening where the wooden or metal handle can be attached to the thick blade. Some have a long slime point where they can be attached to the wooden handle.

The edge that is used for cutting is usually very sharp to aid easy cutting and tearing while the two side edge is blunt.

Uses/ function of the Axe

The uses/ functions of the axe are:

  1. The axe is used for felling trees on the farm
  2. It is useful in the cutting of roots and stumps during land preparation.
  3. It is an excellent tool for splitting wood in the farmstead
  4. The axe can be used effectively for uprooting stumps
  5. It is used for cutting logs of wood for fuel on the farmstead.

8 Hand trowel

A hand trowel is a small hand tool with a flat metal blade design in the form boat shape. The blade is pointed at the end. It has a short cylindrical handle.

The total length of the hand trowel is about 30cm.  All the metal edges of these farm tools are blunt and pointed. The blade is pointed at the posterior where it is attached to the wooden or metal handle

Uses of the Hand Trowel

The usefulness of the hand trowel in performing agricultural activities are:

  1. It is suitable for transplanting seedlings from the nursery to the permanent field.
  2. You can use the hand trowel for fertilizer or manure application on the field
  3. The boat-like farm tool can also be used to loosen seedbeds. 
  4. It is very appropriate for light weeding on the farm
  5. You can use the hand trowel for thorough mixing of the farm yard, compost, soil, and fertilizer
  6. It can also be used for digging holes for planting seeds/seedlings.

9  Hand fork

A hand fork is a fingerlike structure tool, that is made of metal steel with sharp pointed metallic tines or prongs. This hand tool is usually about 12 inches with tines that are sharp and are usually three to four. 

The hand fork is narrow at the posterior end where it is attached to the handle. 

The handle could be a metal, wooden, or ceramic handle.  The handle is attached to metallic pointed tines with the aid of nuts and bolts that are used to fasten it together.  

Uses of the Hand fork

The following are the uses of the Hand fork

  1. You can use a hand fork for aerating and breaking soil clouds.
  2. It is an excellent tool for mixing small amounts of soil and manure.
  3. The hand fork can also be used for light weeding.
  4. It is suitable for transplanting and cultivating seedlings.
  5. It can be used to work manure down the soil.  

10 Rake

A rake is made of a long wooden or metal handle.  The metal or wooden handle is attached to the head. The head of the rake consists of several metallic tines or prongs.

The prong is a fingerlike structure that is used in performing various operations on the farmstead. The rake is a sanitation instrument like a broom used for outside operations.

Uses of the Rake

The rake is used for the following

  1. The rake is used for breaking or loosening of soil.
  2. It is used to scatter or spread crops during drying.
  3. You can use the rake for spreading organic manure on the farm.
  4. It is used to collect or remove stones and leaves from the seed bed.  
  5. It is an excellent tool for spreading and turning hay to ensure proper drying.
  6. The rake can be used to cover seeds when broadcasting
  7. It is used to remove dead grass from lawns in the farmstead.

 11 Wheelbarrow

A wheelbarrow is a small hand-driving tool, consisting of a large metal container. The small vehicle has a metal wheel, a small tire, and a steel bearing.

The mobile hand tools have two handles that can be pushed and pulled by a single person. The wheelbarrow has two short legs short legs at the posterior for resting and balancing.

The tire is properly positioned with the help of the bearing and spindle fixed. 

Uses of Wheelbarrow

The uses of the Wheelbarrow in the agricultural industries are:

  1. It is used for transporting farm inputs such as fertilizer, herbicide, and seeds on the farm
  2. The Wheelbarrow is an excellent tool for disposing of animal waste on the farm
  3. It is also used for transporting organic manure such as compost, farm yard, and green from the place of preparation to the field.
  4. The hand vehicle is used for carrying farm produce from the farm to the farmstead.
  5. The wheelbarrow is used to carry seeds and other materials for propagation.
  6. The tool is used for carrying animal feed such as hay, and fodder.
  7. It is also used in carrying farm tools and working material in and around the farm
  8. It is used to carry cement and concrete material for the construction of structures in farm farmsteads.

 12 Saw

A saw consists of a long flat metal blade, the handle can be wooden or metal handle. The saw has two edges, and both edges of the metal blade have the same sharp teeth for cutting wood.

 Uses of the Saw

The uses of the Saw in performing farming operations are:

    1. It is used for trimming flowers.
    2. It is used for sawing back in the nursery.
    3. You can use the saw for cutting plank while roofing pen and other structures on the farmstead.
    4. The saw is used for cutting material when making Do It Yourself (DIY)  feeding tools or equipment.

13  Shears

Shear is an enlarged pair of scissors-like tools. It has two long metal blades, and the handles may be wooden, metal, or plastic.

The blades are sharpened at one edge and are connected at the pivot by bolts and nuts.

Uses of the Shears

The usefulness of the shear are:

  1. It is used for trimming edges
  2. The shear is used for pruning, and
  3. For cutting flowers 

Also Read: Maintenance of Farm Tools: General, Preventives, and Correctives Measures.

14 Watering Can

A watering can is a small container usually made of metal or plastic. This hand tool has long narrow funnels constructed toward the bottom of the can. At the end of the funnel is an object-like cap with a small hole.

This cap is used to reduce the pressure of the water coming from the watering can and help dispense it in the form of rain.

a long, narrow funnel is attached to the watering can with a piece of metal which is used to fasten the funnel to avoid breaking.

The top of the watering can is an opening where water is poured into the containers.  The watering can has a curved handle which makes it easy to lift, for watering crops. 

It exists in various capacities and can be used for various activities on the farm 

Uses of the Watering Can

The following are the uses of the watering can.

  1.  You can use the watering can for watering crops during the dry season i.e. irrigation
  2. It is used for applying liquid fertilizer.
  3. The watering can is an excellent tool for watering concrete blocks for the construction of farm structures.
  4. It is used in the nursery for light watering.

15 Knapsack Sprayers

A knapsack sprayer is a small, portable container made of plastic of various quality.  The tool is made of a tank, nozzle, and a pressure device usually mounted inside the spraying can. 

On top of the sprayer is an opening where water is poured into the containers, and close to the opening is a small handle that makes lifting possible. 

It has two belts which make it easy to be carried at the back during operation on the farm.

At the base of the sprayer is a long L-shaped object that is pulled up and down to increase the pressure of the knapsack,  and make spraying easy. 

The sprayer comes in various capacities, including 5-liter sprayers, 16-liter sprayers, and 20-liter sprayers, depending on the choice of the manufacturer and farmers.

 The knapsack sprayers can be motorized backpack knapsack sprayers, and manually operated knapsack sprayers. they exist in various capacities. 

Uses of the Knapsack Sprayers

The following are the uses of the knapsack sprayers

  1. It is used for spraying insecticides and fungicides.
  2. The knapsack sprayer can be used to spray pesticides on the farm.
  3. It is used for spraying liquid fertilizers.
  4. The knapsack sprayer is an excellent tool for spraying herbicide on the farm.
  5. You also used the tool to control fire during fire outbreaks and control burning on the farm.
  6. It is used in the nursery for light watering.
  7. It can be used to apply water to crops during the dry season. e. light irrigation
  8. It is suitable for spraying disinfectants on livestock houses and structures.

16  Head Pan

The head pan is a small metal container or basin. It consists of two metal handles that are adjacent to each other. The upper part of the pan is larger compared to the bottom. 

It is made of steel metal parts that are easily carried alone on the farm.

Uses of the Head Pan 

The following are the uses of the Head Pan 

  1. The head pan is used for carrying harvested farm produce.
  2. It is used for collecting harvested produce on the farm.
  3. You can use the headpan for carrying concrete cement during the construction of farm structures.
  4. The head pan is used in carrying manure for application on the farm.
  5. The small basin is used in carrying inorganic fertilizers for application.
  6. It is used for transporting planting material during planting.
  7. The headpan is used for carrying nails and other materials during farm structure construction.

17 Plier

A plier is a small hand tool made of bronze metal. It has two small handles which are used for holding objects. 

The handles are joined together by a pivot bolt, at a position close to the exterior, the remaining a small portion resembling the mouth of a fish.

The two hands are arranged in such a way that they can be used to apply force. Toward the end of the jaw is a sharp portion that can be used for cutting.

The beginning of the mouth is flat which makes holding possible. There are different types of pliers diagonal pliers, parallel pliers, crimping, or crimpers.    

Uses of the Plier

The uses of the plier in agriculture are:

  1. You can use the plier for cutting wire.
  2. It is an excellent tool for holding bolts and nuts for tightening.
  3. The plier is very suitable for gripping and twisting wire during construction
  4. It is used for removing nails that are wrongly placed.
  5. It is very appropriate for bending strong wire or metals.

18 File

A  file is a small metal hand tool that could be flat, circular, or triangular.  The file has sharp, deep, and small timing lines designed vertically on the body of the tool.

These verticle sharp lines make it possible to use the file for filling farm tools.  The file has a small handle like that of the comb, which where can be held firmly while using it. 

The handle has a small hole where red pieces or objects can be tied to it so that it can be seen from a distance or avoid getting lost. 

Use of the file

The following are the uses of the file

  1. For sharping blades of farm tools
  2. For smoothening the rough surface of farm implements.

19 Mattock

The mattock has a thick block of iron blade. These farm tools consist of long cylindrical wooden handles.

The mattock is about 100cm in length. One of the blades is long, blocky, and pointed, and the other broad, flat, and sharp at the other end which is also metallic.

The Uses of the Mattock

The uses of the mattock in performing agricultural operations are:

  1.  You can use the mattock  for digging soil
  2. It is used in uprooting stumps from the farm
  3. The mattock is used for the removal of stone.
  4. It can be used for clearing bushes.
  5. The tools can be used for land proration.
  6. It is used in breaking hard pans on farmland

20    Measuring Tape

The measuring tape could be metal, fabric, or rubber. The tape is made of linen or a fine steep sheet of about 30 meters in length.

It is usually marked on one used side with metric units and the other side with imperial units. The tape is normally wound in a small case of plastic, from where it is unwounded for use.

Uses of Measuring Tape

The following are the importance of measuring

  1.  You can use the measuring tape for taking length, breadth, and height measurements.
  2. It is very appropriate for taking offsets of measurement
  3.  It is used for taking straight lines and right-angle triangles.

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In conclusion

These tools are very important in agriculture, they are essential in performing various activities on the farm.

Whether it is commercial agriculture or small farm-holders they are needed for different operations on the farm.

Conclusion: in this article, we have discussed in detail some of the farm tools and their uses for a good understanding.  

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