Demonstration Teaching Method In TVET: Merits, and Demerits

Definition of Demonstration Teaching Method

 The demonstration teaching method in (TVET) refers to the process of displaying, showing, explaining, and providing proof of how to do a particular thing or process.

The demonstration teaching method in (TVET) is a teacher-student center method because both the teacher and the students are allowed to demonstrate and display how a particular object or project comes about.

In most cases, since the teacher or the lecturer is the reservoir of knowledge,  the teacher does most of the display or showing while the students watch the process continue and ask questions when necessary.

The demonstration teaching method is one of the best teaching methods (TVET) because the methods are suitable for all categories of students since they involve showing, displaying, and illustrating how to do a particular thing.

Since Technical and Vocational Education and Training are purely learning by doing, demonstration methods seem to be the best methods because the students are shown the correct uses of equipment, apparatus, technique, and methods.

(For example, a tailor teaching an apprentice how to sew cloth, the tailor must show the apprentice the equipment required, how to cut materials into various sizes and shapes, how to paddle the machine, and how to sew the cloth)

The demonstration teaching method in Technical and Vocational education and training can be used perfectly in TVET subjects such as welding and foundry, carpentry and upholstery, building technology, automobile engineering, electrical electronics engineering,  drilling, vocational agriculture, and so on.

Demonstrations as a method of teaching are more appropriate in capturing the interest of the learner because all the 3Hs are involved (i.e. the head, the hand, and the heart) demonstration teaching methods can best be used in lesson introduction and throughout the lesson.

Read Also: Discussion Teaching Method in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET): Definition, Merit, and Demerit 1

Merits / Advantages of the Demonstration Teaching Method

Some of the advantages of the Demonstration  teaching Method in technical and vocational education and training are enumerated below

  1. The demonstration teaching method is most appropriate for teaching technical and vocational education and training.
  2. The Method does not help to attract the interest of the students in the lesson because all they see, feel, and touch is involved in the process.
  3. The  method is very time-economical
  4. The methods are suitable for all categories of students since they methods involve displaying and illustrating different stages involved in a process
  5. It is best for the teaching of subjects that involve the acquisition of skills and competencies
  6. Since the methods involve showing, providing proof, and displaying a process by the teacher expected learning objectives are achieved.
  7. A good Demonstration teaching methods eliminate trial and error because the teacher demonstrates a lot of proficiency and proof to the learner.
  8. The method reduces hazards  such as  breakage of apparatus and accidents in the workshop or laboratory as TVET Involves a lot of hazards
  1. A good demonstration teaching method can hold the learners’ attention throughout the lesson when used in the lesson introduction.


Demerits/ Disadvantages of the Demonstration Method

The bad aspects of the Demonstration teaching Method in technical and vocational education and training are stated thus:

  1.  The method is very expensive as it involves the use of apparatus and equipment to demonstrate different stages or process
  2. The demonstration teaching methods require a lot of skills to perform.
  3. The method is not appropriate for large class sizes or populations as the students may not be able to see the material being demonstrated clearly
  4. The demonstration teaching methods do not encourage manipulative skills.
  5. The methods do not always allow students the opportunity to perform activities themselves.


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