Capital Farm Credit: Overview, Criteria, Loan Categories,  and How to Apply for Capital Farm Credit Loan


Capital Farm Credit is a financial agency or institution that is located in Texas with the mandate to provide agricultural loans and credits to aid agricultural development in the United States.

The capital farm credit was established on July 17, 1916, when it was signed into the Federal Farm Loan Act by President W. Wilson. The capital farm institution is chartered in 192 counties and has 67 locations in Texas.

Capital farm credit cooperatives offer short and long-term loans to finance services to farmers, agribusiness, and rural house owners in the United States.

One of the missions of Capital Farm Credits as a financial agency is to assist members with reliable short and long-term credit and financial assistance or services to enable them to achieve success in farming and boost rural communities development.

Capital Farm Credit aims to become a partner of choice to farmers, agribusiness, and house owners as well as providing lending and related services through outstanding people, performance, and member value.

Capital Farm Credit, over a century, has become one of the most trusted and reliable financial institutions providing financial assistance, advice, service, and insurance to farmers, and agribusiness and contributing to rural agricultural development in Texas.

This financial institution has more than 600 trusted and reliable employees, and about 30,000 shareholders, and is still contributing to the core value of America’s growth and prosperity.

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Frequently Ask Questions

Where is Capital Farm Credits located?

Capital Farm Credit is located in Texas, United States of America. The capital farm institution is chartered in 192 counties and has 67 locations in Texas.


Read Also: 14 Ways Farm Credits Contribute to Rural Development That Will Amaze You

Criteria For Accessing Capital Farm Credits Loan.

Sourcing loans from capital farm credit as a financial institution is as simple as ABC. However, a lot of farmers, agribusinesses, and landowners think that the process is a difficult task.

Capital Farm Credit has trusted and reliable consumer service agents who are ready to satisfy your needs and help you fulfill your dream. Moreover, before the institution will offer you a loan certain criteria must be fulfilled. Some of the criteria are:

Credit history or Creditworthiness

Capital Farm Credit Cooperative Bank will have to assess your financial history or creditworthiness before granting your loan application request.

If you don’t have a good financial history you may have a problem sourcing for capital farm credit loan in Texas. May farmers that have not been able to source capital farm credit financial services may be due to their past credit history.

They will look critically into passed financial history or creditworthiness to ascertain your ability to repay loans. A good past financial history will boost your chance of obtaining a loan from Capital Farm Credit as a financial institution.

Collateral Security

Capital farm cooperative agencies must demand collateral security before awarding loans to farmers, agribusinesses, and land owners.

The reason for demanding collateral security is that at the point of default in the loan servicing, they will lay hold of it for the loan.

The Collateral security for sourcing for capital farm credit loan can be a piece of land, a Certificate of ownership properties, and a certificate of farm planning.

Capital farm credit cooperative societies usually request t for Collateral security as one of their most important criteria for accessing loan

Good business Record or Financial Statements

This is another criterion for obtaining financial assistance from capital farm credit.

They will demand your day-to-day records of income and expenditures of your business before granting financial credits.

The reason for demanding Farm Records or Financial Statements is because it show your farm creditworthiness.

They may also want to see your balance sheets, cash flow analysis statement, and profit. A good record or financial statement gives a higher chance of accessing loans from capital farm credit cooperatives.

Borrowers’ Reputation in Texas Business Industries.

The capital farm credit institutions will first consider your reputation in the Texas business or farming industry before grading your application for financial assistance.

Your reputation including how famous your business or farm as well as your experience in the Texas communities. This may also increase your chance of obtaining a farm credit loan.

Farm Legal Requirement

Since capital farm credit deals with real estate loan, capital asset, and landed properties, they will have to see if the business and property is registered by law before granting your loan request.

This is done to check how well the loan borrowers or seekers are compliant with the laws and regulations guiding the Texas business environment, avoid fraudulent activities, and ensure that they are dealing with the rightful owner of the properties to avoid litigation and other court cases.

A well-legal-backed business has a higher chance of sourcing financial credit from farm credit agencies.

The Reason for Obtaining the Loan

This financial institution will demand the reason for applying for a Loan. Capital Farm Credit will not just grant your loan application process, they will want to know the reason for the loan request and provide an advisor role on how best the loan can be effectively utilized.

They will review the reason for seeking financial assistance in connection with the types of business the loan seekers are operating. Once they find the reason to be genuine your loan request will be granted.

The Loan Seeker’s Location

The capital farm credit is located in Texas in the United States of America and it is strictly in the United States.

The loan seeker’s location is one of the essential criteria for granting financial credit. The capital farm credit has not expanded to other countries except in Texas.

Therefore person applying for credit loans outside their areas of coverage may not be granted access to financial credit. To know more about capital you can visit their website or call their agent .


Frequently Ask Questions

What are Farm Credit Capital requirements?

Sourcing a loan from Capital Farm Credit is very simple, but getting the following document ready is a major requirement for obtaining financial credits.

They are; good business records or financial statements, good business plans, farm legal documentation, the reason for obtaining the loan, collateral Security, and credit history or Creditworthiness.

Farm Credit Capital Loan Application Process

The capital farm credit loan application process is as simple as ABC. If you are interested in the capital farm credit the following process will be very helpful. Some of the loan application processes are:

  1.  The first step is to contact customer care, Capital farm credit access is always open for all individual who is interested in the loan application.  if you are interested in a farm credit loan you can easily reach the farm credit agents or officers through email, phone, or website.
  2. Step two, If you have been able to access the capital farm credit agents or officers, they will discuss your financial need, goal, and the type of loan. and see how they can help you fulfill your financial needs and goals, and whether the type of loan you want to access, fits their scope, then the document will be handed over to you.
  3. A farm credit capital agent or administrator will demand some financial documents such as your bank or business financial statement, farm record income flow analysis, and certificate of assets ownership. The reason for this is that they need the used for collateral security for the loan.
  4. After accessing all the documents to ascertain the loan worthiness, an application form will be given to you by the farm credits agents. The application form contains the following, names, phone numbers, emails, marital status, the reason for the application, the amount requested, and others
  5. Capital Farm Credit agents will thoroughly assess the application form, and your creditworthiness, credit history and to know if you are eligible for the farm credit. This will enable them to know if you can repay the borrowed loan. For those seeking real estate loans, the assets to be used for collateral security will be evaluated according to the eligibility of the ownership.
  6. After accessing all the documents and criteria, if found to have met the loan application process. You will be required to go through the capital farm credit loan terms and conditions for the application process.
  7. After going through all the terms and conditions and being eligible, the document will be given for final signing and capturing of biodata.
  8. disbursement.
  9. after capturing of all the necessary data, them you  will given the cash or the propertie as discuss,  it is very important to service the loan as quickly as possible and as agreed on the memorandum of agreement.


Read Also: Criteria for Accessing Farm Credit: Overview and 10 Criteria to be Considered by Credit Agencies in Granting Farm Credits to Farmers.


Frequently Ask Questions

What are the Capital Farm’s Credit login details?

Capital Farm Credits has trusted and reliable customer agents that are ready to attend to you for 24 hours and must leave you satisfied before logging out. You can contact their customer care via email, website, and phone calls.


You can also call: 877-944-5500 to discuss this with their customer care Agents or Officers.


Capital Farm  Credit Loan Categories

Capital farm credit provide many advisory or financial services to different categories or group of people in other to improve the farming, business, and rural community development in the United States of America.

The landed properties loan varies according to the property under review, it usually covers 5-20 years. Capital farm credits remain one of the most trusted and reliable financial institutions with landed proper property loans in Texas.

They offer land loans with the most competitive rates and flexible terms. Their Interest rates varies according to the market conditions, inflation, and other factors.

Before you can acquire any of their properties, it is advisable to have a good idea of how much total interest will be accrued over your payment cycles and determine the best plan for making actual payments. Capital Farm Credit Cooperative Society has the following areas of financial coverage.

1. Farm and Ranch Real Estate Financing.
2. Agribusiness financing; and
3. Rural home loan

Farm and Ranch Real Estate Financing

The capital farm credit institution provides financial assistance to Farmers and ranchers. farmers and ranchers who are interested in increasing or expanding their farming activities or their ranch are eligible to apply for this category of farm credit or loan.

This financial institution covers the following area, they are:  land purchase loans, Ranch development financing, and rural property development.


Land Purchases Loan: land is valuable access in agriculture, every activity in agriculture takes place on the land.

Though there is much research to prove the planting of crops without agricultural land, but it must still occupy landed space.

Agricultural activities ranging from planting to harvesting and animal rearing occur on agricultural land.

Capital farm credit land purchase loan comprises of the following, purchasing of new agricultural farm land, expanding existing farm or business, and investing in rural community development.

The criteria for the land purchase loan includes
(1)Borrowers credit History or creditworthiness
(2) The reason for obtaining the Loan
(3) Good business plan
(4) Collateral security

(5) The loan seeker location.

How to Apply.
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You can also call Capital Farm credit agent at  877-944-5500

If you are interested in a capital farm credit Land Purchases Loan you can apply below


Ranch Development Loan.
This type of loan is specially designed for livestock farmers. Dairy farms require financial investment ranging from pasture and rangeland establishment, breeding, feeding management, pest and disease control, and ranch construction. Capital farm credit financial institutions offer a variety of financial assistance to ranchers who are interested in expanding and developing their ranchs.

The requirement for this type of loan includes:
(1) Farm credit agents will examine your past financial history
(2) They will demand for the reason for obtaining the Loan
(3) They will demand for a good business plan
(4) They will also demand for Collateral security for loans.

(5)They will ask for the location.

How to Apply.
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You can also call Capital Farm credit agent at 877-944-5500


Rural Property loan
Capital farm credit offers rural property loans to a rural individual for the purchase of rural farmland, house construction, and rural property development.

They focus on rural real estate development, and  help to provide financial assistance on projects that aid the improvement of rural life and communities’ development. These projects help to breathe life into rural communities, thereby increasing amenities in the rural area.

Requirement for the loan
(1) The properties services  serve as collateral security for the loan
(2) examine your past financial history
(3) ask for the reason for obtaining the Loan
(4) they demand for a good business plan
(5) location is also required.

How to Apply.
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You can also call Capital Farm credit agent at 877-944-5500

Agribusiness Financial Credit or Loan

Capital farm credits offer farmers and businessmen financial assistance to boost agricultural business.

Businessmen who are dealing with agribusiness activities and may want to expand their business capacity can apply for an Agribusiness loan to enable them to expand their business beyond the small-scale level.

Agribusiness financial credit or loan comprised of the following: Agricultural equipment loan, operating lines of crecreditd agribusiness expansion loan.

Capital Farm Credit gives Agribusiness financial credit or loans with the most competitive rates and flexible terms that vary according to borrowers’ needs and expansion.

Before you apply for any of their Agribusiness financial credit or loan it is advisable to have a good idea of how much total interest will be accrued over your payment cycles and determine the best plan for making actual payments. Some of the loans under agribusiness are discussed below


Agricultural Equipment Loan

Farming require the use of farm machine and their implements in other to improve production processing and marketing.

The use of farm machines in the farm enables farmers to cultivate large areas of land within a short period. If farm machine are not available, farming become cumbersome.

This is where capital farm credit comes in to provide financial services to agro businessmen.

This financial institution and its agencies can offer short-, medium–, and long-term business loans to acquire farm implements such as tractors and couped implements, harvesters, planters, and irrigation facilities.

Farmers that also interested in expanding their business can apply for this type of loan to purchase or upgrade their farm machine and their implements to aid agricultural development.

Requirement for the loan
(1) The properties serve as collateral security for the loan
(2) examine your past financial history
(3) ask for the reason for obtaining the Loan
(4) they demand for a good business plan
(5) Location is also required.

How to Apply.
Log in and apply now

You can also call Capital Farm credit agent at 877-944-5500


Operating Lines of Credits

The farming business requires capital for day-to-day activities that occur on the farm. This day to day activities require capital.

Farmers who do not have such capital to finance their farming business can apply for capital farm credit for Financial assistance to enable them run their farming business effectively.

Capital farm cooperative gives financial assistance to farmer or business on short credit bases to help finance their farm expense.

Requirement for the loan
(1) The properties serve as collateral security for the loan
(2) examine your past financial history
(3) ask for the reason for obtaining the Loan
(4) they demand for a good business plan
(5) Location is also required.

 How to Apply.
 Log in and apply now

You can also call Capital Farm credit agent at 877-944-5500


Agribusiness Expansion Loan

This type of loan is designed to assist agribusiness men and farmers in expanding their business beyond the small-scale level.

Capital Farm credits offer financial assistance for the purchase of agricultural processing facilities, building new facilities, and acquisition of land.

Requirement for the loan
(1) The properties serve as collateral security for the loan
(2) examine your past financial history
(3) ask for the reason for obtaining the Loan
(4) they demand for a good business plan
(5) Location is also required.

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You can also call Capital Farm credit agent at 877-944-5500

Rural Home Loans
Capital farm credit as a financial institution provides individuals with the ability to purchase homes. This financial assistance enables farmers to acquire existing properties  in the rural area.

The rural home loan comprises of; home purchase loan, home construction loan, and a rural home mortgage loan. Capital farm credit institutions provide financial services for rural home loans.

This financial institution and its agencies can offer medium and long-term business loans to acquire more homes in the rural area.

Farmers that are also interested in expanding their business can apply for this type of loan to purchase or upgrade their farm machine and its implementation to aid agricultural development.

Home Purchase Loans

Capital farm cooperatives provide loans to individuals to help them purchase houses in rural in the areas. These types of financial assistance help families acquire home for a long period

Requirement for the Loan
(1) The properties serve as collateral security for the loan
(2) examine your past financial history
(3) ask for the reason for obtaining the Loan
(4) they demand for a good business plan
(5) Location is also required.

How to Apply.

 Log in to apply now

You can also call Capital Farm credit agent at 877-944-5500


Home Construction Loan
This type of loan is provided to help individuals by capital farm credits financial institution to enable them to build or construct new houses in rural Texas communities.

In this type of financial assistance, the individual receives the loan in stages as the construction progresses and as the building is completed the loan is converted into the mortgage.

Requirement for the Loan
(1) The properties serve as collateral security for the loan
(2) examine your past financial history
(3) ask for the reason for obtaining the Loan
(4) they demand for a good business plan
Location is also required.

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You can also call the capital farm credit agent at http://877-944-5500

Rural Home Mortgage Loan
Capital farm credit institutions provide financial credit to individuals to enable them acquire homes through mortgages.


Agricultural Insurance Coverage

Capital farm credit cooperatives provide insurance to farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness against loss. Farming businesses are highly uncertain, therefore insurance coverage is the surest safety net against risk.

They provide various types of agricultural insurance services ranging from crop insurance livestock insurance, and weather risk management systems. The system for this type of insurance is described below.
1. Crop insurance: Crop insurance comprises; financial coverage for crop insurance, multiperil crop insurance, crop hail insurance, and crop fire insurance. Capital farm credit can assist farmers in accessing insurance coverage from insurance providers for this type of risk when the need arises.

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2. Livestock Insurance: this type of insurance coverage includes pasture rangeland, forage insurance, annual forage insurance, livestock risk protection insurance, livestock gross margin insurance, and dairy protection insurance. Capital farm credit can help ranchers and livestock farmers acquire livestock insurance policies against loss.

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3. Adverse Weather risk: weather risk management coverage includes drought, high rainfall, high temperature, hurricane, tornado, etc. This weather risk can pose an adverse effect on farming activities. Capital farm credit can help provide loans that will help the farmers overcome these challenges.

Frequently Ask Questions

What is the Capital Farm Credit calculator, and how do I use it? 

Capital Farm credits calculator is an electronics programmed calculator used to determine the amount of interest in relation principal of a borrowed loan. 

The capital farm credits calculator is absolutely simple to use, just follow the following process

  1. Input the proposed loan amount.
  2. chose the proposed interest rate percentage of the loan.
  3. Insert the loan duration term (i.e., the years required to liquidate the loan).
  4. know the payment frequency i.e. if it is not stipulated in the terms of the agreement. 
  5. determine the type of amortization for the loan, i.e Regular or Fixed Principal 

You can also log in to use the online capital farm credit calculator via


Read Also: Top 6 Contributions of Farm Credits and Insurance in Agricultural Development That You Are Aware of.

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