Accounting for Entrepreneurs: Definition, Reason, and Types of Accounting for Entrepreneurs


Definition of Accounting for Entrepreneurs

 Entrepreneurs are individuals seeking business and investment opportunities through inventions. The ability to manage the business successfully is crucial.  Therefore, entrepreneurs must take into account the income and expenses of the business to ascertain the progress of the enterprise.

Entrepreneurial accounting or accounting for entrepreneurs refers to the process of recording financial transactions of a business by entrepreneurs as well as summarizing, analyzing, and presenting the results logically and coherently.

As an individual desiring to make progress in the business world, it is important to keep financial records of income and expenses of the financial standing of the business.

many entrepreneurs are carried away by the euphoria of setting up a business and developing products without learning basic accounting for entrepreneurs or keeping important financial statements to determine the success of the business.

inventing an idea and transforming that idea into great investment opportunities and ensuring that the business succeeds are two different things. it is good for an entrepreneur to acquire some essential skills in accounting, to be able to finance the purchase of commodities, pay bills, and save for future financial responsibilities.

having a good financial statement as an entrepreneur is necessary for the expansion and development of an organization as well as to determine the financial strength of the organization.

Read Also: Top 7 Contributions of Entrepreneurs to National Development That You Are Not Aware of.

Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Need To Acquire Accounting Skills.

New entrepreneurs may not have all the resources to hire an accountant as they are trying to build the business from the beginning.

It is, therefore, necessary that entrepreneurs should acquire accounting skills so that they can keep good financial records of their business. some of the reasons why entrepreneurs need to acquire accounting skills are:

Monitor the Changes in the Price of the Commodities

Acquiring accounting skills enables an entrepreneur to monitor the changes in the price of the goods or products purchased and sold by the business.

The prices of goods and services are not always the same, due to season, fashion, and taste. an entrepreneur needs an appropriate financial record to constantly monitor the changes in the price of the products and determine his products accordingly.

Determines the Financial Weakness or Strength of the Business

Good financial record keeping will help an entrepreneur to know the financial weakness or strength of the business to determine the rate of financial expenditure in the organization.

many entrepreneurs do not keep account of financial transactions in the organization and they do not know the financial strength of the organization. 

What most entrepreneurs know is that they are making a profit without the full knowledge of the financial basis of the business.


Determines the Business Profit or Loss

Every organization big or small carries out some level of expenditure as well as the sales of the products to get income, these expenditures and sales need to be properly accounted for to enable the owners of the organization to know whether they are making a profit or loss.

Detect Fraudulent Practices

As the organization expands many workers or employees will be needed to help in performing one job or another, and finance will be involved, some workers will be financially productive while others will be reckless with finances.

so the knowledge of good financial skills can help entrepreneurs detect fraudulent practices in the organization.

Make Serious Management Decisions

The decision concerning the success of an organization is built on a good record, decision-making is based on evidence, and therefore having a good financial record will enable an entrepreneur to make appropriate management decisions that will increase the organization’s growth.

Serve as Good Financial Security For Loan

Financial houses and other sources of finance for entrepreneurs usually demand for collateral security to serve as a guarantor for the loan they source.

Good financial records can be used as collateral security for loans.

Determination of Annual Tax

Some entrepreneurs pay arbitrary taxes without having the basic knowledge of the monthly or yearly profit of the enterprise due to a lack of good financial statements.

Taxes in an organization are usually paid from the profit of the organization and not from the main capital of the organization.

Whenever entrepreneurs are not keeping records they are bound to pay arbitrary taxes

Determine the Actual Worth of the Business

A good financial record for an entrepreneur is essential for the business owner to determine the real worth of his business for a given purpose.

The entrepreneur should keep the financial statement of the organization to understand the real worth of the business.


Types of Accounting for Entrepreneurs

The following are the types of accounts that an entrepreneur should keep in the enterprise: 

Profit and Loss Account for Entrepreneurs.

A profit and loss account refers to a financial statement of an enterprise that shows the totality of financial involvement, the overhead, and expenses earned during a specified time usually at the end of the end the year.

For the financial position of a business to be accurate the entrepreneur should have adequate knowledge of profit and loss accounts.

An entrepreneur needs to acquire appropriate skills in profit and loss accounts to enable him to be abreast of the company’s financial strength to generate profit as well as reduce costs.

This type of accounting for entrepreneurs is needed to enable financial institutes and many others who are interested in the organization to know the financial ability of the business and make a decision on whether to invest or not.

An entrepreneur should know that adequate knowledge of balance sheets, and cash flow statements is needed to enable him to have an in-depth knowledge of the organization’s financial performance.


S/no Items Amount
1 The cost of maize seed 1500.00
2 The cost of fertilizers 1600.00
3 The cost of insecticides 1000.00
4 The tractor hiring 1000.00
5 Cost of herbicides used 1200.00
6 The cost of cassava stems 1300.00
7 The sales of maize 30,000.00
8 The sales of cassava stem 15,000.00
9 The sales of yam tuber 10,000.00
10 The cost of processing and purchasing cassava tubers 2500.00
11 The cost of transportation 1500.00
12 The sales of cassava stem 22,500.00
13 the wages of workers 8000.00
14 Miscellaneous  expenses on workers 2000.00
15 The maize consumes 500.00
16 The yam consumed 800.00
17 The opening valuation 45,000.00
18 The closing valuation 15000.00




Dr               Credit
Purchase and expenses $ Sales and receipts $
Opening valuation 45000.00 Closing valuation 15000.00
The cost of maize seed 1500.00 The sales of maize 30000.00
The cost of insecticides


16,000.00 The sales of cassava tubers 15000.00
The tractors hiring 1000.00 The sales of yam tuber 10,000.00
Cost of herbicides used 1200.00 The sales of cassava stems 2,200.00
The cost of cassava stem 1300.00 The maize consumed 500.00
The transportation cost 1500.00


The yam consumes 800.00
The cost of processing cassava tuber 2500.00
The wages of workers 8000.00
Miscellaneous expenses 20,000.00
Total 66,600.00
Net profit 7400.00
Total 74,000.00 total 74000.00


Balance Sheet Accounting for Entrepreneurs

A balance sheet is a type of financial statement that shows the assets, liabilities, and worth of a business at a particular time.

These types of accounting for entrepreneurs provide useful information about the business to allow the owners or those interested in the business to know the financial position of the business.

This financial statement helps the entrepreneurs to assess and evaluate the resources that are available in the organization, the process of sourcing those, resources as well as the assets and liabilities of the organization.

Entrepreneurs need to acquire reasonable skills in balance sheets since it show the nature and the amounts of investments in business resources.

A balance sheet enables the entrepreneur to take appropriate actions to alter the timing and amount of cash flows to respond to unanticipated needs and opportunities.

A Sample of a Balanced Sheet

 Balanced sheet showing the financial statement of Johnson Farm Ltd as of December 23rd, 2023 shown below. 

s/no Expenses Amount


1 Cash in the bank  400,000.00
2 Cash at the hand of the entrepreneur 80,000.00
3 Dairy cattle owned 6000,000.00
4 Milk sources 700,000.00
5 Loans from financial houses 300,000.00
6 Initial capital(startup capital) 4000,000.00
7 Interest on loan payables 600,000.00
8 Account on receivables 1000,000.00
9 The amount of taxes payable 500,000.00
10 The amount of milking machines 1500,000.00
11 The amount of animal feed 100,00.00



Balanced sheet showing the financial statement of Johnson Farm Ltd as of December 23rd, 2023 shown below. 


Liabilities $ Assets $
Interest on all payables loan 6000,000.00 Cash in the  bank 400,000.00
Taxes on payable 500,00.00 Cash in the hand of the entrepreneur 80,000.00
Initial capital 4000,000.00 Milk sources 300,000.00
Loan 3000,000.00 Account on  receivable 1000,000.
Subtotal 8100,00.00 Amount of animal feed 100,000.00
Net worth/net

Capital /owner equity

70,00.00 Dairy cattle owned 6,000,000.00
Amount of milking machine 1500,000.00
Total 8170,00.00 Total 8170,000.00

the result from the calculation shows the enterprise is creditworthy because the farm’s liabilities are higher than it’s assessed, therefore stipulating that the farm is creditworthy,

Trading Accounting for Entrepreneurs

 Trading accounting for entrepreneurs refers to the types of accounts prepared to show the business’s financial gross profit or gross loss incurred at a particular time.

It is prepared in line with the rules of double entry. The knowledge of trading accounts will help the entrepreneur ascertain the gross profit and loss as well net profit or loss that the organization has incurred over a particular period.


Trading Account
Items Amount Items Amount
Opening stock XXXX Sales XXX
Add purchases XXXX Less return inward XXX
Add carriage inward XXXX
Less return outward XXXX
Fewer goods withdraw from their own XXXX
Cost of goods available for sales XXXX
Less closing stock XXXX
Cost of goods sold XXXX
Gross profit XXXX


Manufacturing Accounting for Entrepreneurs

This type of accounting for entrepreneurs is an extension of trading accounts. it is a type of account prepared to enable an entrepreneur to ascertain the cost of the goods produced during the business year.

An entrepreneur should be familiar with this type of account to determine the amount of profit made for the goods manufactured.

Manufacturing Account
Amount Amount
Direct materials

Opening stock of raw materials

XXXX Closing stock XXXX
Work in progress XXXX Raw materials XXXX
Purchases of raw materials XXXX Work in progress XXXX
Raw materials XXXX Cost of the goods XXX
Work in progress XXXX Transferred to the trading account XXXX
Carriage inwards XXXX
Direct labor XXXX
Wages XXXX
Direct expenses


Factory rent XXXX
Fuel, power, gases, etc XXXX
Factory Insurance XXXX
Depression on building etc XXXX
Manufacturing overhead XXXX

In conclusion

Entrepreneurs must possess adequate knowledge of accounting to help manage the business effectively, the success of an entrepreneur is the ability to maximize return from sales.

Some of the accounting that entrepreneurs should be familiar with for effective management are, manufacturing accounting, balance sheet accounting, and profit and loss accounts.  

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