Top 11 Career Opportunities in Animal Science You Are Not Aware of

Overview of Career Opportunities in Animal Science 

The global demand for animal products for work, food, and industries combined with the widespread rise or global boost in population has made the livestock industries very competitive in recent times,

and pursuing a  Career in the livestock industry or animal sciences can help an individual acquire knowledge, value, and competencies that can bring life-changing opportunities.

The career opportunities in animal science or the livestock industries that bring transformative opportunities include animal production, breeding, nutrition, animal health and management, and animal agro-business or agro-allied industries such as animal marketing, processing, and distribution.

Across the globe, taking up a career in any of the above programs in animal science can prepare individuals or students for ever-changing opportunities.

The livestock industry is in dire need of animal science personnel worldwide to handle various aspects of the animal science department ranging from formal animal science, informal science, and non-formal animal.

Offering causes in any of the animal sciences programs can prepare graduates for any of the career opportunities in the livestock industries such as education, business, agro-industry, government, animal health industries, and research:


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The Top Career Opportunities in Animal Science

Some of the Career Opportunities in Animal Science according National Open University of Nigeria are that exist are :


Career Opportunities in Allied Animal Industries

Career opportunities in this industry comprise managers, administrative officers, public relations, sales personnel, and technical personnel.

Agro-industry, such as equipment manufacturing, breeding firms, pharmaceutical firms, meat processing, and food distributing industries that produce various chemicals or services for each other may require the services of animal scientists in different positions such as manager, administrative officers, public relations, and sales personnel and technical personnel.


Career Opportunities in Livestock Marketing Industries

This is another career opportunity in animal science that deals with producing and distributing agricultural products.

These organizations may require service animal scientists in occupations such as field representatives, managers, consultants, marketers, and public relations specialists.

Career Opportunity as an Extension Worker

Extension workers are trained personnel who educate farmers on better methods and skills in farming that can be drawn from all the fields of agriculture such as Animal science, soil science, crop science (entomology and pathology), veterinary, and so on are employed by the government as an extension worker.

The service of animal scientists can also be needed as an extension agent to train professional farmers on better methods of animal rearing.


Career Opportunities in Food Processing Industries.

 Career Opportunities in animal science in this industry include quality assurance personnel, food management personnel, purchasing personnel, advertisers, sales agents, and technical and consumer services.

Allied animal industries such as Food processing, preservation, and other related allied industries may employ animal science specialists for positions in quality assurance personnel, food management personnel, purchasing personnel, advertiser, sale agents, and technical and consumer services.


Career Opportunities in Government Ministry/Agencies.

Graduates with an animal science background can be employed in the Ministry of Agriculture, agencies and departments, and other government agencies with yearly employment in animal science as administrative and technical staff in any area of specialists.


Career Opportunities in Livestock Feed Production Industries.

These are industries that are involved in the production and processing of livestock feed.

These industries may request the service of a Graduate of animal science as a production manager, animal nutritionist, or quality assurance in livestock feed production.


Career Opportunities in Agricultural Research Institutions

Agricultural research institutions are organizations responsible for researching better characteristics or traits of farm animals.

These organizations may seek to employ graduates in animal science, animal breeding and reproduction, parasite and disease control, animal nutrition, and environmental quality personnel.

 Career Opportunities as Private Farm Owners or Self-employed 

This is another Career Opportunities in animal science where graduates with an excellent background in animal science or established and managed allied animal industries by themselves.

These groups of individuals are referred to as entrepreneurs’ sources of capital and run the business by themselves or pay other animal scientists employed by them.

The entrepreneur may establish allied industries such as feed producing and processor, livestock production, feed parker, animal breeding, etc.


 Career Opportunities in Educational Sectors

Graduates with a good background in animal science can be gainfully employed in Universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, secondary schools, and other educational institutions as animal sciences teachers or lecturers or instructors, researchers, and laboratory technicians.

Career Opportunities in Informal and Non-educational Sectors

Graduates in animal science can be employed as instructors or trainers of people with special needs in animal production.

Animal science graduates can also be required to train animal farmers in technical and vocational centers.

 Career Opportunities in the National Park, Ranch, and Veterinary Clinic

These career opportunities in animal science have to do with taking care of farm animals.

Owners of these organization either government or private agencies, that operates these organizations (leisure packs, Zoos, kennels, horse farms, ranch veterinary clinics, and so on), can employ animal science graduates or technicians as veterinary assistants, gamekeepers, caretakers, supervisors, and field assistants.

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Frequently Ask Questions

Is an animal science degree worth it?

Animal science refers to the domestication or the production of farm animals. A degree in animal science offers individuals great career opportunities in the animal science industry such as acquiring skills to start rearing animals, Lecturer, or teacher of animal science at the level of education such as (Universities, polytechnics, Colleges of Education, secondary schools), managers, supervisors, and administrative officers animals production industries.

 The list of all animal science careers.

The career opportunities in animal science are listed below. they are  Farm Managers, supervisors, administrative officers in animal production industries, lecturers, teachers of animal science, instructors, or trainers of people with special needs in animal production, animal breeding, quality assurance personnel, food management personnel, purchasing personnel, advertisers, sales agents, technical and consumer services, animal health industries, and research and self-employed.

What job can I get with an animal science degree? 

 As a graduate of animal science degree with a Bachelor in animal science or Bachelor of Agriculture in animal science, you can  get employment opportunities in animal science industries, animal companies and ministries, and the Department of Agriculture such as a Lecturer, or teacher of animal science at the level of education such as (Universities, polytechnics, Colleges of Education, secondary schools),

managers, supervisors, and administrative officers in animal production industries, instructors, or trainers of people with special needs in animal production, animal breeding, quality assurance personnel, food management personnel, purchasing personnel, advertisers, sales agents, technical and consumer services, animal health industries, and research and self-employed.

In conclusion

Animal science has become one of the most lucrative fields in the agricultural industries across the globe.

Many job opportunities in animal science such as lecturers, teachers, managers, supervisors, and administrative officers in animal industries and so on are available for graduates who pursue animal science as a subject or career. 

Get administration into any institution offering animals and have a life-changing. 

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