Types of Agriculture, Classification and Explanation

Overview of Types of Agriculture

Agriculture remains the most reliable occupation providing food, income, raw materials, and rural development. It is one the largest employers of labor across the globe employing men, women, youths, and children.  These types of occupations are practiced in different ways in different countries.

The definition of agriculture as the growing of crops and rearing of animals spelled out that we have two main types of agriculture that are animal and crop farming, however, these may be due to practice as we cannot solely agree that they are the only types of agriculture, Another such forestry, Arable crops, cash crop or snail, fish farming will be according to types practice.

Conventional Subsistence agriculture and Commercial agriculture we believe are types of agriculture that will be classified as types of types of agriculture according to nature and scope. However, knowledge is dynamics various authors have emerged with their concepts of the types of agriculture practice in different countries.

The Four Types of Agriculture

From the above definition of agriculture and from the ways agriculture is practiced, the four main types of agriculture that are widely practiced across the globe are namely:

  1. Subsistence agriculture
  2. Commercial agriculture
  3. Crop farming, or agriculture
  4. Animal farming or agriculture

Classification of the Types of Agriculture

These types of agriculture are grouped into two, they are according to the nature of production and scope of production and according to practice.

 According to the nature and scope of production

  1. Subsistence agriculture
  2. Commercial agriculture

According to the type of Agricultural practice

  1. Crop farming, or agriculture
  2. Animal farming or agriculture

 According to the nature and scope of production

Differences between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture

S/noSubsistence agriculture  Commercial agriculture  
1A large area of land is mainly cultivatedfarm machines and implements are used
2Production is mainly for family consumptionProduction is mainly for sales
3Crude tools and implements are usedfarm machine  and implements are used
4Family labour is mostly usedhired labour is mostly used
5Unskilled labour is mostly usedSkilled labour is mostly used
6Yield is lowYield is high
7It requires little capital to startIt requires high capital to start
8There is no specialization of operationIt encourages specialization of operation
9Pests are not controlPests are control
10disease are not controlledDisease are  controlled
11It require little or no formal education to operateIt require special skills and technical  education to operate
12It involves  simple storage facilitiesmodern  storage facilities are used
13It involves  simple processing  facilitiesmodern  processing facilities are used
14Mostly practices poor  farmersMostly practices by rich farmers
15Usually leaves the environment free of pollutionIt leads to environment free of pollution
16Low environmental degradationhigh environmental degradation
17Fertilizers are rarely  useFertilizers are commonly  use
18Mixed cropping system is usually practicesMono cropping system is usually practiced
19Use of local  species crops and breed of farm   Uses of improve varieties of crops and   breed of farm animals.
20Farm record are rarely keptFarm record are  kept
21Heavy reliance on natural rainfallIrrigation are mostly practice

(A). Crop production or Farming

This is also referred to as agronomy. Crop farming is a type of farming that involves the production of crops on the farm for man and industrial uses. The cultivation of staple food on the farm is very essential in making food available for man’s use without plants man and animals cannot survive. The crop is so vital that both the roots, stems, shoots, and leaves can be consumed either fresh or cooked.  Crop farming can be sub-group into the following heading:

  1. Arable crop or Food crop farming
  2. Cash crop or plantation farming
  3. Fruits and nuts farming
  4. Fiber farming, and
  5. Forestry

Arable crop or Food Crop Farming

This is the growing of food crops such as yam, cassava, cocoyam, rice, maize, sorghum, groundnuts, cowpea, millet, and more. These crops serve as the most staple food crops cultivated across the globe. Crop production serves as the oldest type of farming or agriculture practice.  They are usually annual and biennial crops cultivated by farmers majorly for food consumption. These crops require fertile soil and adequate land perpetration for effective growth and productivity

Cash Crop Farming

Just as the name implies these crops are cultivated to provide cash (money) for the farmers. They are crop are crops cultivated to provide the raw material for agro-based industries members these members of the group are usually tree crops and few arable crops examples are rubber, cotton, cashew, cocoa, coffee, tea, and soybeans and they form the major export and import commodities of many counters and serve as the only means through which country earned foreign exchange.

Fruits and Nuts

This type of agriculture involves the cultivation of crops such as bananas, mangoes, pineapples, groundnuts, Bambara nuts, and more for food and industrial uses. These crops are rich in vitamins and proteins. Some members of these groups such as bananas, mangoes, and pineapples are used in the industries for the manufacturing of fruit juice while groundnut and Bambara nuts are used in making using making of ground nut cake and solid food consumed locally.

Fibre Farming

This type of agriculture involves the production of fiber for making clothes and bags. They serve as major raw materials in the textile industry. Examples of crops under these categories are cotton, jute, flax, hemp, kenaf, and more.


This is a type of agriculture in which the cultivation of trees, and shrubs in large expanses of land. It involves the production of timber for the roofing of houses, paper making, and woodwork. These types of farming provide employment opportunities and serve as a good source of income for the farmers.

(B). Animal Farming

This type of agriculture involves the rearing or the domestication of farm Animals for the benefit of man. It is a type of farming that involves the raising of farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits, and horses for the importance of man. These farm animals are reared either in an intensive or extensive system. The farming categories are:

  1. Livestock farming
  2. Dairy farming
  3. Poultry farming
  4. Fishing

 Livestock Farming

This type of farming involves the rearing of farm animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits, and more for meat, hide, and skin. These provide the farmers with the protein needed by the body for the growth and repair of worn-out tissues. The leather industries and canny industries depend on these farm animals to supply the skin and meat needed for the production of canned meat and leather. The animal farming is on the raised due to the global demand of animal products.

Dairy Farming

This type of farming involves the rearing of farm animals purposely for the production of milk. Dairy animals such as cattle, donkeys, sheep, and goats have well-developed udder for the production of large quantities of milk. Apart from the production of milk these animals are excellent in meat, hide, and skin production.

Poultry Farming

This involves the domestication of birds.  Poultry birds such as turkeys, pigeons, ducks, geese, chickens, and more are domesticated for the purpose of meat, and egg production. Various breeds or strains of higher quality of these breeds of birds exist for better egg and meat production.

 Fish Farming or aquaculture.

Fish farming is the rearing of fish in an enclosed body of water. It involves the domestication of aquatic animals such as fish, crayfish, prawns, and more in water.

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